Time for a change

Posted by on March 31, 2010

Today I was looking at this site and wondering what the future holds. The truth is, I do not post to here anywhere near as much as I did at one time. Between work, the kids, married life and my own time, this blog tends to get left behind much of the time. I will say that the thought of pulling the plug on this site entirely has crossed my mind from time to time. But, unlike my April Fools joke of years past, no I am no closing the doors.

I decided today to switch themes up for awhile and see how it works for me. This theme was actually the original theme I used on Cache Up NB. I decided to switch to something else on the other side because I found this one a bit harder to read.  Looking at it now, it seems fine to me but I think that the other one worked better for CUNB. Bobsroom was definitely in need of a change and I think this works better for me. I like having the drop downs on the top instead of it taking up so much space on the site itself.

I’m not quite sure WHAT to do with this site. Between Facebook and Twitter, I seem to be sharing most of my stuff on there as opposed to here. The big thing though is that this site still provides me an outlet where I can write. Status updates and photos are one thing but I really like to write and this, along with the kids’ blogs, have given me an outlet for that. This is the biggest reason why I am keeping the site around. If anything, it’s a place where I can just rant.

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