It’s All About Moderation

Posted by on April 21, 2015

Have you ever found yourself reading something on Facebook, then you go to write a comment, get most of it written out, and then you delete what you wrote and don’t bother commenting? I do this all the time and I usually walk away from the comment for the simple fact that I don’t want to have to listen to others try to argue a point that is ultimately not worth making. This happened to me again today.

This time it was on the whole “eat healthy” movement we have been seeing in recent years. This time I saw an article pop up going on, yet again, about Jamie Oliver and his anti-McDonald’s crusade. Of course, the people who post this stuff have not done any research on what has been said or done and just assume that if it’s on the internet, it must be true.

But that’s not the rant for today. The rant for today is all about those out there who insist that we should all be eating natural foods, don’t eat red meat, don’t eat white meat, don’t eat meat of any kind, don’t eat green vegetables, don’t eat red vegetables, don’t eat vegetables that come from a farm that are within 20km of dogs, don’t eat gluten, don’t drink urine, drink more urine, or whatever other ridiculous idea you can think of as I am sure it’s been used as an excuse to push someone’s agenda.

I know that many of my friends are doing their best to “eat healthier” and good for them. If that’s what makes you happy and you are feeling better for it than more power to you. But don’t stand there and try and tell me that my eating a burger from McDonald’s is going to kill me. Just because I eat at a fast food place from time to time doesn’t mean I’m doomed to death early. What it means is if I choose to constantly fill myself with crap, I’m not doing my body any favours, but ultimately it’s my choice. Just because you want to live on kelp and nothing else doesn’t mean it is what I should be doing. If it works for you fine, but what works for you may not work for me. Plus, all of that aside, you can be the most healthy person in the world and still get hit by a car or get cancer. It doesn’t remove those chances.

Years ago, I worked with a guy who was VERY conscious of his health. He was someone who ran all the time, did his exercise, watches his calorie intake, ate only the best and most healthy of meals. I mean this was a guy that most healthy nuts would practically worship. He was in great shape. Then out of the blue, he got a bad batch of cancer and had to fight his way through it. So tell me all you health nuts… How did he end up with such bad cancer when he did everything he thought he could to prevent it? I mean this guy was in his 30’s and in prime shape, but none of that healthy lifestyle crap helped him dodge that C bullet.

In looking at what he went through, it made one thing VERY clear to me. You can do anything and everything to “improve” your health but if you are destined to get sick by something like cancer, then there’s nothing you can do to prevent it. If people who work their asses off to stay as healthy and as fit as they can end up with cancer in their 30’s, can you honestly tell me that all that calorie counting is actually making a difference?

So for me, I live by a philosophy of moderation. I don’t eat at McDick’s every day but I also don’t cringe at having a burger or nuggets once in awhile. I don’t get a lot of exercise but I do go out hiking from time to time. I do a lot of walking when I am on the road for work. I love eating vegetables so I eat as much as I can but I don’t obsess about every little thing I eat thinking it’s going to buy me an extra few days or years of my life.

I choose to live a moderate lifestyle, and enjoy living life. If I spent all my time obsessing over my health, I’m missing out on the things I could be doing with my life. I would rather enjoy the time I have and live it to the fullest, than trying to organize every tiny little aspect of my eating habits in hopes that it buys me some extra time.

So if you’re the type who is trying so hard to “live healthy” because you are scared about dying, then I feel sad for you. Death is part of life. I’d rather LIVE my life than fear my death.

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