Hump day

Posted by on July 8, 2009

I got up this morning knowing that even though I am on leave, I’d have to go into work for an hour or so. In fact, I shouldn’t say “have” to go in but wanted to. I got an email yesterday and made me wonder if something was up so I figured I better pop in and see. Well, I did get some news that was a bit of a bummer and so life goes on. However, with the bad news was some other news which actually seem to make things be a bit better. Sort of hard to explain it without going into detail but regardless, both good and bad news was received so it’s a bit of a bittersweet morning.

My aunts Linda & Louise were over yesterday along with mom and Grandma. We fed them a bigass steak supper and had a good visit. Was real nice to see them and Dylan certainly seemed to have fun with them. Man he makes me laugh.

Today things are a bit more back to normal. Dylan’s at my mom’s and Tamara’s out for a little while. I really have some stuff around the house that needs to get done but as always, here I am sitting in front of the computer instead. Head is feeling a little foggy today, not sure why.

In fact, I really wonder why it is I haven’t done more around the office and the house than I have recently. Our basement is a complete disaster and needs to have some stuff cleaned out BADLY. Problem is, not sure where everything is going to go. I think we are going to hold off on getting the new baby barn built since that’s another 5K we could save right now and since I am unemployed until November, we need to cut corners wherever we can. Not a big deal but just requires some alternative use of space in the house.

On that note, maybe I’ll try and go do something, or nap 🙂

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