During my break yesterday afternoon, I stumbled upon this website. It chronicles the story of a man named John Titor (an alias used). John claimed to be a time traveller from the year 2036 and was sent here by the military of his time to retrieve a piece of computer equipment that would help them in his era. It goes on to show all of his posts to a time travel related message board. There’s a lot of detail, pictures, and a bunch of other stuff that really makes you wonder whether it was a hoax, it legit.
There’s actually a book you can buy on Amazon Dot Com about the entire thing. A lot of reviews say the whole thing is a hoax designed to stir up cash for his “family” but you can’t help but wonder about some of the stuff he says in his posts. Needless to say, it was a very interesting read, and if you like that kind of thing, I recommend checking it out.
I may actually sit down and write a big rant about some of the stuff he had in there as it is definitely though provoking material. He mentions a civil war in the US in 2005 as well as a 3rd world war in 2015. Neato