I Don’t Like Me When I’m Angry

It’s the start of July and I’m here with another update on how things are going with mom. Since I have very little in the way of outlets to express my wide variety of emotions, I’m choosing to do it here. Be prepared. There’s a lot of raw angst about to flow through my keyboard. … Continue reading »

Categories: Friends & Family, MOTD, Rants | Leave a comment

Normal with Alzheimer’s Isn’t Normal

It’s been 3+ months since I wrote about how I am feeling about my mom. I thought I’d provide an update on how things have been going and where we are. Mom is still in the hospital, but has been added to several lists for care homes. It might be a long wait, but at … Continue reading »

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A Happy Unhappy Holiday

It’s December 26, 2023, AKA Boxing day. The big Christmas celebration is over and the new year is right around the corner. I wish that I could say 2024 is going to be a fresh start. Unfortunately, I don’t have a lot of hope for what is coming. About 5 weeks ago, I was sitting … Continue reading »

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Know Thyself

Socrates once said “man, know thyself”. No matter how much time passes, this little quote still remains true to this very day. Recently I decided to take a trip to Los Angeles. I’m working on a blog post for it on my travel blog, but I wanted to write something as little different about it … Continue reading »

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We’re All A Little Tired

It’s December 31st and the new year starts tomorrow. We’re about 2 years into the COVID pandemic and we’re all kind of tired of everything we have had to endure. But above all else, we’re exhausted with hearing our “leaders” change their minds every week about what makes the most sense to keep us safe … Continue reading »

Categories: Friends & Family, MOTD, Rants | Leave a comment

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish

A few days ago I posted a thing on Facebook about how I have been feeling stressed out over the last little while. I don’t like “vague-booking” but I really felt the need to thank the folks who’ve been helping me through this. Today, I can finally talk about what’s going on. Less than an … Continue reading »

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Reflecting on COVID-19

Normally I reserve my work blog for tutorial videos and other product specific posts. But every once in awhile, I find myself wanting to just write about experiences. It’s Friday afternoon and it’s been a slower day so I thought I’d take a few minutes to jot down a few things. It’s been over a … Continue reading »

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The Proust Questionnaire

It’s 12:30am and I am nowhere near ready to go to bed. Surfing YouTube, I came across a video of Stephen Colbert doing something called The Proust Questionnaire from Vanity Fair. I found the questions very interesting so I thought I would do it myself. Here we go. 1.What is your idea of perfect happiness? … Continue reading »

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The Origin & Story of the Thunder Turkey

You’ve likely heard a couple of different variations on the origin of human beings and life on Earth. Many have been taught that God created all life on Earth and set the world we know in motion. For many others, you’ve followed science and believe that evolution kicked off the spark of life to bring … Continue reading »

Categories: Flashbacks, Funny Stuff, Jokes, Weird Things | Leave a comment

Meet Donna: The Voice of Criticism

If I have learned one thing over the years, it’s that somehow writing things out does help. If you go back through the history of posts on this blog, you’ll find many long rants of mine where I just vent out whatever happens to be on my mind at the time. I talk about my … Continue reading »

Categories: Flashbacks, Friends & Family, Rants | Leave a comment