Got it! So my fight with linux at work ended today and I won. I finally got the services running on it, save one, SSH, which I don’t think is related to the box but other issues and I am currently not too concerned about it as the server is close to me and I can work on it as I need it.
ISA Server is now done. The course is behind me and all that is left is marking and exams. I can now begin preparing to take the ISA Server cert which I think I’ll work on for the end of March but I’ll have to see how it goes. I just need to get some self-test software for it and I’ll be all set.
The better half is out again tonite so here I am home, alone, and have nothing to do. Well, that’s not true. I do have some work I really should get to because as much as I don’t have anything that NEEDS to be done, I do have a few things that I should get to so that I’m not playing catch-up next week.
I must say that Link Digger from Weirdlinks (now Webwasteland) has really gone all out into making his new site way better than the old. He’s got a pile of stuff on there now and there seems to be more updates everyday which is way cool. I am glad the site is still active. I wish he’d get his XML/RSS fixed so I can syndicate that bitch here.
In Star Trek news, according to the recent rumours, and some confirmations around, both Riker & Troi will appear in the series finale of Enterprise which is scheduled to air in May. It was written by Braga & Berman so I really hope they don’t fuck it up like they have other stories and make it a nice decent ending to a good show. The last season has been very good and it sucks to see it go, but maybe this will make room for Scott Bakula to make his return to Quantum Leap as has been rumoured. That show kicked some serious ass.