Revenge Of The Sith

Posted by on May 29, 2005


Today was a day of going to the movies and finally seeing Revenge of the Sith. I have heard a lot of good things about this movie so I was hoping it would live up to the hype. I must say, I was not disappointed.

The space battle that opened the show was very cool and as expected, all of the CG was fairly impressive, but this time, it was all about Anakin’s fall into the dark side. His insistance that his motivation to the dark side is one of protection of Padme seemed a little off at first, but love can do weird things and between events falling into place, and Palpatine’s puppetry of the truth, Anakin falls right into the Sith’s trap, becomiung one in the process. Very well done.

I gotta say that Lucas’ ability to write love scenes is still crap. “You’re breaking my heart Anakin” Give me a fricken break. What a pile of useless crap. I could have done without that.

The best part of this movie is Palpatine’s complete reveal that he is the Sith lord. Between Windu’s death, Anakin’s conversion, and the Yoda/Emperor fight scene, it was a real nice touch. I loved the fact that the Sith lord had been plotting literally underneath the senate the entire time.

The final fight scene with Obi-Wan was nice. A lot of nsaber action and not much garbage in the middle. Lucas did a nice job of putting together the backstory showing how Vader came to be disfigured. It was also nice to see his anger release on Padme who he was ultimately trying to protect. I was not happy about the fact that Darth Vader as we all know him was only seen twice and please, that cry/scream just as he awakens was pretty pathetic, but I’ll let it pass as it was cool to see Darth again. It now does make sense as to why he was so angry for so long.

The naming of the kids and them being split up was nice. I think the idea of ending it on Tatooine with Luke’s adopted parents was a nice touch. I also like the fact the Qui Gon Jinn was mentioned and that Yoda & Obi Wan were going to train to learn how to be immortal via the living force.

Some questions still not answered but that’s ok. You can’t expect a movie to answer everything. I am now very tempted, and probably will later tonite, to sit down and watch the original Star Wars, just to see how it all connects together.

Regardless, Lucas managed to do it right this time, and even though he claims # 7, 8, and 9 will never be made, I doubt thats true. Star Wars is a cash cow and I can just see #7 coming out within 5 years. I am curious as to how his TV series will measure up. It’s supposed to cover the gap between the end of Ep3, and the start of Ep4. Perhaps some of the questions left will be answered. With no Star Trek on TV, I could handle a Star Wars show. Only time will tell…

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