Holy emotions folks

Posted by on July 4, 2005

Wow. Talk about about some serious emotions today. Never saw it coming.

Cassidy went to go live with Louise today. We brought her down to the cottage and let her run around a bit but then eventually, we had to say goodbye. Me and Tamara were both balling our heads off but we both know it’s way better for the bunny this way. šŸ™ We’ll have to go visit for sure.

We also went to the beach and had a nice swim but I had a bit of a scare between the jelly fish, and going out a little too far. A bit freaky but all is ok now.

I did not hear from my dad but there is some oddity going on with his phone as it will not dial. Very odd.

Other news, those of you that were part of #Moncton in it’s origin days (not the crappy aftermath), please feel free to contact us through this site for more info (as per Moonie’s request).

Anything else?

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