Picture overhaul

Posted by on August 7, 2005

Well folks, I had some time this morning and had been really interested in doing a major update so today I did it.

I added a pile of new photos to the Photo Gallery. There’s a LOT of new stuff in there so please feel free to check it out. I added a lot of new stuff from our more recent trips, more photos of me and Tamara, family, friends, travels, everything. Lots and lots of new pictures.

Went to the drive-in on Friday adn bumped into Kelly (aka Red). Also discovered why it is I don’t go to drive ins. Why is it that people can’t get it through their thick skulls to turn their damn lights off. Frig sakes. Regardless, I will not be returning.

We bought the first pieces of wedding decor for the reception. Halloween themed of course and I think it’s going to work out pretty damn nice if you ask me.

I’m looking out the window and I am seeing sunlight so I think I may go and get some more wood moved. I need to get the driveway clean.

The IRC party is less than a week away. Even with not a lot of attention on the msg board, I hope that at least a few people show up. Not expecting a major crowd but regardless, it will be nice to sit and shoot the shit with some of these folks, assuming they show.

With that in mind, I’m going to send off another email, and I’ll be in touch later folks.

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