#Moncton log, circa 1997

Posted by on August 14, 2005

Well folks, if you have some major time to kill, here’s a log, circa Sept. 97. Red, if you have that infamous “meeting” log, email it to me. I’ll post it here for a good laugh.

Session Start: Sun Sep 21 13:43:48 1997
*** Now talking in #Moncton
#Moncton topic is Hockey!!! —> Beavers at 2 PM at J. Louis Levesque
#Moncton topic set by Sw0rdsman on Sun Sep 21 12:54:58
#Moncton created on Wed Aug 13 21:27:11
my porno name is ROBBY WARREN
-> [#Moncton] PING
Roughly translated it is Liar. πŸ™‚
12(6 10 second lag 12) reply from 10^Sarah
12(6 11 second lag 12) reply from 10Mordaith
12(6 11 second lag 12) reply from 10BlackMyst
12(6 11 second lag 12) reply from 10Rubee
12(6 11 second lag 12) reply from 10DiMpLeS-
-JaMEr- I like it when you touch my ping-a-ling that way.
12(6 11 second lag 12) reply from 10`jason
12(6 11 second lag 12) reply from 10JaMEr
12(6 11 second lag 12) reply from 10Madgirl
12(6 11 second lag 12) reply from 10Sodisco
12(6 11 second lag 12) reply from 10_Slayer_
12(6 12 second lag 12) reply from 10StarStrik
12(6 12 second lag 12) reply from 10Novacain
12(6 14 second lag 12) reply from 10AnviL`
-> [Zor] PING
12(6PING12) CTCP from [10Zor(2Zippy@mctnts01c40.nbnet.nb.ca)]
12(6 1 second lag 12) reply from 10Zor
that’s ie not y jamer
12(6 19 second lag 12) reply from 10Dr_Skip
Session Close: Sun Sep 21 13:44:13 1997

Session Start: Sun Sep 21 14:00:13 1997
*** Now talking in #Moncton
#Moncton topic is Hockey!!! —> Beavers at 2 PM at J. Louis Levesque
#Moncton topic set by Sw0rdsman on Sun Sep 21 12:54:58
#Moncton created on Wed Aug 13 21:27:11
12(4MSG: 6dr_skip12) : you there?
* om13 is away.. AutoAway [15m] Logging [on] [MN]
*** om13 is now known as om13-Away
*** ratchet is on IRC
[12Dr_Skip(6SKIP@ras013.mton.brunnet.net)] yeah
*** Dr_Skip sets mode: +o Zor
12(4MSG: 6Dr_Skip12) : thanks, thats what I was just gonna ask you πŸ™‚
*** FLaSHeTTe (netgal@unix.shell.net) has joined #Moncton
*** Zor sets mode: +o FLaSHeTTe
*** Zor sets mode: +o FLaSHeTTe
*** Auto-Op is OFF
[12Dr_Skip(6SKIP@ras013.mton.brunnet.net)] hehe :]
[12Dr_Skip(6SKIP@ras013.mton.brunnet.net)] bots have ben haven a rouch day
seen MrBumpy
[12Dr_Skip(6SKIP@ras013.mton.brunnet.net)] rough
SuZzy_Q, I last saw MrBumpy on the channel 4 days 16 hours 6 minutes 43 seconds ago.
12(4MSG: 6Dr_Skip12) : yeah, not sure whats going on
*** Zor changes topic to “#Moncton Homepage updated, new bios added”
yeah right
*** kats-i- has left IRC
*** Ratchet (~phargus@emanation.com) has joined #Moncton
*** Zor sets mode: +o Ratchet
> wb ratchet
> lol
*** Camomille (dafik@btstts02c26.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #Moncton
-> [ratchet] PING
*** Sodisco (Sodisco@rhsyts02c06.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
*** Camomille (dafik@btstts02c26.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #Moncton
*** Zor sets mode: +o Ratchet
*** ^Sarah is now known as jcb
* Zor is missing * getting goodies * /Ctcp Zor Page [Message] to page me!
*** jcb is now known as ^Sarah
*** Mordaith (~Mordma@nwcsts01c12.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
like anyone cares!
> πŸ™‚
*** Snoopdog has quit IRC (See you kids later !!!!!)
*** Dr_Skip sets mode: +o Mervert
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: -o Mervert
> anyone here have the file COMCTL32.OCX in their windows/system dir?
Merv- ident yerself…
any one from moncton (age12-17)wanna chat
*** WeizeL (gerald@nwcsts03c07.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
i do zor
> can you send it to me please :))))
Can someone give me the gateway to brunnet please, its sunday so i cant call them
*** Ratchet has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0))
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Mervert
> there ya go merv
whats the #MOncton address again?
> #Moncton Home Page http://www.infodog.ca/moncton/dogpound/irc
*** metwo is now known as cooky
* WeizeL is really in need of the BruNet Gateway, can someone just go check for me PLEASE
*** Zor changes topic to “http://www.infodog.ca/moncton/dogpound/rc <- New Bios, we's updated!!!"
there you go zor
*** Novacain (o076v@ has left #moncton
> thanks cooky πŸ™‚
*** Khronik (o076v@h339s.acad11.unbsj.ca) has left #moncton
*** kats-i- is on IRC
*** ratchet is on IRC
* iNiTuaTing Channel Statistics For 19 People Please Hold On. *
*** IniTiaTing  Baz’s  Channel Statistics For _- #Moncton -_ . . .
*** There Are 19 Members in #Moncton , 5 Of Them Are Oped (2.63..157.89%) , 0 Are Voiced (0%) And 14 Are Regular Users. (7.36..842.11%)
*** Away: Zor om13-Away (1.05..263.16%)
*** No IRCops Present.
*** Clone Statistics. . .
*** The Channel _- #Moncton -_ iS  Free  Of Clones.
*** Process: 1. Seconds.
***  Baz’s  Channel Statistics For _- #Moncton -_ Are Concluded.
*** Kats-I- (Kats-I-@ferrari.turbobox.com) has joined #Moncton
-> [ratchet] PING
*** Zor sets mode: +o Kats-I-
> wtf is this thing doing???
> there
new bios!
> all fixed
> I hope
*** Retrieving #Moncton channel info…
*** AnviL` has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** lirpa (unknown@ has left #moncton
I REALLY gotta update mine :]
*** Zor changes topic to “http://www.infodog.ca/moncton/dogpound/irc <- New Bios, we's updated!!!"
> hehehe
*** Dr_Skip is now known as Skip
*** Retrieving #Moncton channel info…
12(4MSG: 6flashette12) : reset #moncton
-FLaSHeTTe- Resetting channel info on #moncton…
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: -o Kats-I-
> fer fuck sakes
*** Zor sets mode: +o Kats-I-
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: -b *!*toebee@*.nbnet.nb.ca
* WeizeL needs the gateway for brunnet, can one of you go get it in control panel for me, it only takes a sec
> don’t look at me, I use nbnet
> lol
So do i
I have both right now, im in the middle of switching
*** ratchet is on IRC
any one from moncton (age12-17)wanna chat
Brunnet is a lot better than Nbnet
> your funny weizel
* Zor is missing * getting goodies * /Ctcp Zor Page [Message] to page me!
* Zor has returned
Im from Sackville, 17 not far from moncton πŸ™‚
just 20minutes up the road…heh
*** sillyboy (chumpboy@rhsyts04c07.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
madgirl go to teensex if u want too chat with guys
-> [not4u2no] PING
seen sillygirl
seen sillygrl
seen groovygal
Skip…….you get it for me?
Zor- Shoud I make my bio as Skip or Dr_Skip ?
sillyboy, I last saw sillygirl on the channel 13 days 22 hours 39 minutes 24 seconds ago.
sillyboy, I last saw sillygrl on the channel 3 days 20 hours 25 minutes 58 seconds ago.
sillyboy, I haven’t seen groovygal. Not recently. Actually, not ever!
*** Ratchet (~phargus@emanation.com) has joined #Moncton
> skip: what are you planning to use as your nick?
Cmon Skip, it only takes a sec
Weizel- I cant find it..and if i go in there…ill have ti restart my computer
Skip, no silly you dont have to restart
*** Mervert has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
Zor- Skip…Ive been getting it Recently….
seen sillyfem
sillyboy, I haven’t seen sillyfem. Not recently. Actually, not ever!
when it asks you all you have to do is hit cancel
* Skip is away: 12 since 21/09/97 2:13PM All messages will be logged.
* Skip TYPE: “/ctcp Skip page” if you need to page me.
*** Mervert (Very@ras040.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
*** Ally_J (kewl@edmnts01c42.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
*** nikki (zoey@fctnts04c14.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
*** Zor sets mode: +oo Ratchet Not4U2No
*** nikki (zoey@fctnts04c14.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Not4U2No
*** elyK (elyk@edmnts02c44.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
*** elyK (elyk@edmnts02c44.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
-> [ratchet] PING
*** Kats-I- has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** XenoGen (xeno@ras034.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #Moncton
hey Xeno
12(6 43 second lag 12) reply from 10Ratchet
any one from moncton (age12-17)wanna chat
*** girls_rul (patro@nwcsts02c29.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
-> [Zor] PING
shut up madgirl
12(6PING12) CTCP from [10Zor(2Zippy@mctnts01c40.nbnet.nb.ca)]
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10Zor
*** girls_rul (patro@nwcsts02c29.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
you shut up jeff
> give it up you 2
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Ratchet
*** Aldur^ (wiz@ts4-d237.mon.atcon.com) has joined #moncton
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Ratchet
zor, this is taking forever
> cooky: yeah I noticed
zor can u kick her
Aldur: so you were at the party with Melissa huh?
> nope
kewl πŸ™‚
*** girls_rul (patro@nwcsts02c29.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
*** girls_rul (patro@nwcsts02c29.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
Damn, someone take 5seconds and get the gateway address for brunnet fer me please
*** Not4U2No sets mode: +o Ratchet
Ah just that Melissa had named me the people that was there
-> [#Moncton] PING
ok πŸ™‚
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10DiMpLeS-
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10BlackMyst
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10^Sarah
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10SuZzy_Q
-WeizeL- Ping what?
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10WeizeL
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10Rubee
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10sillyboy
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10Ally_J
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10XenoGen
12(6 4 second lag 12) reply from 10_Slayer_
12(6 6 second lag 12) reply from 10Madgirl
12(6 6 second lag 12) reply from 10Skip
12(6 7 second lag 12) reply from 10cooky
12(6 7 second lag 12) reply from 10Aldur^
12(6 7 second lag 12) reply from 10Mervert
12(6 10 second lag 12) reply from 10`jason
12(6 10 second lag 12) reply from 10FLaSHeTTe
12(6 12 second lag 12) reply from 10Not4U2No
12(6 19 second lag 12) reply from 10Sodisco
she slept through like half of it πŸ™‚
Aw yeah
> *whine*
> !soda Coke
yup her and sarah…..
seen ta|
> gotta love lag
*** om13-Away has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
Ally_J, I last saw ta| on the channel 4 days 4 hours 23 minutes 49 seconds ago.
Anyone want sum kitties? 1 day old. We’ll even pitch in a free box of catfood!!
*** WeizeL (gerald@nwcsts03c07.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
I would….but I can’t πŸ™‚
*** daBiker (bjc@ts3-d199.mon.atcon.com) has joined #moncton
y not??
> hey biker
*** Sodisco has quit IRC (Read error: 146 (Connection refused))
hi Zor
> whats up?
cooky? is that you???
Did i mention the free box of catfood??
i want a kittie were are you from???????????????
7 ___ 5 _
7 _.-| | 5 ( (
7 { | | 5 /\___/\ | |
7 “-.|___| 5 \ 4o o5 / ___ _) )
7 .__|_|_. 5_( Y ) \. `O /
7 | | _5((_ `^-‘ _ /__< \
7 .+|______|_.-|__)5`-‘ (((/ ((_d
i want a kittie were are you from???????????????
2 On the net, nobody knows you’re really a cat…

suzzy- my mom’s allergic πŸ™‚
were are you from
Kitty!!! πŸ™‚
> I hate slow downloads
heh heh
*** kats-i- is on IRC
*** Rubee has quit IRC (Read error: 146 (Connection refused))
were are you from
*** Acid^Rain (heidi@ts02-18.netcity.ca) has joined #moncton
were are you from
seen slvrlight
hi ppl
*** Rubee (rubee@ras119.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
hi heidi
*** Sodisco (Sodisco@rhsyts02c06.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
hey jon!
Hey Acid!
eek! rubee’s back! hide the male children!
hey suz!
Acid^Rain, I last saw slvrlight on the channel 1 day 12 hours 34 minutes 19 seconds ago.
> the “seen” is out again, lol
seen psyruth
seen aagnew
seen sarcasm
Aldur^, I last saw psyruth on the channel 1 day 15 hours 59 minutes 14 seconds ago.
Aldur^, I last saw aagnew on the channel 1 day 19 hours 51 minutes 32 seconds ago.
Acid^Rain, I last saw sarcasm on the channel 1 day 12 hours 27 minutes 46 seconds ago.
*** ^Nabiki (Nabiki@mctnts06c13.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
hi Biki
hi nabiki
XenoGen? You want a kittie?
hmmm, major lag to Ratshit
i gotta go.. bye jon!!
err, Ratchet
bye suz!
*** Acid^Rain (heidi@ts02-18.netcity.ca) has left #moncton
byre hewidi!
*** Acid^Rain (heidi@ts02-18.netcity.ca) has joined #moncton
*** Acid^Rain has quit IRC (Isn’t it the perfect evening? LOOK! a shooting star! make a wish.. I made mine πŸ™‚ g’night )
now THAT was great typing…
woooo hooo!!!!
and byre…don’t forget byre πŸ™‚
*** Ratchet has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Undefined error: 0))
*** sillyboy (chumpboy@rhsyts04c07.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
haha.. yeah!
*** Skip is now known as Dr_Skip
BBIAB ppl..from a different cpu :]
*** Kats-I- (~Kats-I-@ferrari.turbobox.com) has joined #Moncton
I bbl
*** Aldur^ (wiz@ts4-d237.mon.atcon.com) has left #moncton
my cpu
*** ratchet is on IRC
*** whooper (andrew@mctnts06c18.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
4,4|4,0*4,4|4,0 Canada Rocks! 4,4|4,0*4,4|
* Zor is missing * running my new eggy * /Ctcp Zor Page [Message] to page me!
8,1Always got time for Tim Hortons!
*** Madgirl (hebertja@ras035.mton.brunnet.net) has left #moncton
*** Ratchet (~phargus@emanation.com) has joined #Moncton
*** ^Nabiki (Nabiki@mctnts06c13.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
good she’s gone
*** cooky (hiii@ras036.mton.brunnet.net) has left #moncton
> brb
Session Close: Sun Sep 21 14:30:24 1997

Session Start: Sun Sep 21 14:32:35 1997
*** Now talking in #Moncton
#Moncton topic is http://www.infodog.ca/moncton/dogpound/irc <- New Bios, we's updated!!!
#Moncton topic set by Zor on Sun Sep 21 14:11:22
#Moncton created on Wed Aug 13 21:27:11
> ahhhhhh
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Zor
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Ratchet
*** Not4U2No sets mode: +o Zor
*** Not4U2No sets mode: +o Ratchet
Oh well, bye bye boys and girls! And remember! Never drink and drive or you might a bump and spill your drink!
*** SuZzy_Q has quit IRC (Cows will always be lower life forms while they insist on eating grass instead of smoking )
*** MATTTY (tthomas@ts4-06.mon.iSTAR.ca) has joined #moncton
> brb
[Zor] Satan lives in my closet with my hamster….
Session Close: Sun Sep 21 14:34:38 1997

Session Start: Sun Sep 21 14:46:14 1997
*** Now talking in #Moncton
#Moncton topic is http://www.infodog.ca/moncton/dogpound/irc <- New Bios, we's updated!!!
#Moncton topic set by Zor on Sun Sep 21 14:11:22
#Moncton created on Wed Aug 13 21:27:11
* Ally_J is watchion Space Jam
> there
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Zor
hello Zor
> hey ally
*** Kats-I- has quit IRC (EOF From client)
well,, this is boring
*** vall has quit IRC (later)
*** ^Nabiki (Nabiki@mctnts06c13.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
*** JC14 (csurette@ts3-d212.mon.atcon.com) has joined #moncton
*** Aldur^ (wiz@ts4-d237.mon.atcon.com) has joined #moncton
* Ally_J can’t wait til graduation…..i graduate move out move to freddy go through what i want to do and then live on a cruise ship and work for a yr on it
*** Aldur^ (wiz@ts4-d237.mon.atcon.com) has left #moncton
*** kats-i- is on IRC
*** Kats-I- (~Kats-I-@ferrari.turbobox.com) has joined #Moncton
*** Ratchet has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
> for fuck sakes
*** Rob-o (roberth@mctnts07c05.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
* Zor is missing * whacking off * /Ctcp Zor Page [Message] to page me!
hey rob-o
hi folksies
*** Not4U2No sets mode: +o Zor
hey dork
*** Not4U2No sets mode: +o Kats-I-
*** ratchet is on IRC
*** Ratchet (~phargus@emanation.com) has joined #Moncton
*** iDuNnO (idunno@ts4-d222.mon.atcon.com) has joined #moncton
why am I listening to marilyn manson?
cause ure a dork
whooper- at least i wasn’t called one in an assembly
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Ratchet
*** Not4U2No sets mode: +o Ratchet
-> [#Moncton] PING
12(6 1 second lag 12) reply from 10BlackMyst
12(6 1 second lag 12) reply from 10Dr_Skip
oh but u will be
12(6 1 second lag 12) reply from 10Rob-o
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10Rubee
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10`jason
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10DiMpLeS-
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10^CenobYte
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10iDuNnO
12(6 4 second lag 12) reply from 10JC14
12(6 4 second lag 12) reply from 10_Slayer_
12(6 4 second lag 12) reply from 10whooper
12(6 5 second lag 12) reply from 10FLaSHeTTe
12(6 6 second lag 12) reply from 10XenoGen
12(6 7 second lag 12) reply from 10Ratchet
*** iDuNnO is now known as truffles-
12(6 17 second lag 12) reply from 10Kats-I-
*** Kats-I- sets mode: +o Ratchet
12(6 18 second lag 12) reply from 10Ally_J
anyone here goes to mm??
i avoided going up last year, we’ll do the same this year
i dont care
I don’t go to MM…
> MM sucks
We beat them at soccer somehow
I played a whole 15 minutes =)
rob reid rules
*** C[rUsHe]R (Crusher@ras033.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
thats why i didnt play
*** C[rUsHe]R (Crusher@ras033.mton.brunnet.net) has left #moncton
*** Sodisco (Sodisco@rhsyts05c09.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
no goals yeat =)
what about next year?
i doubt it
12(6 104 second lag 12) reply from 10Not4U2No
or if i play prov baseball this summer
*** JC14 has quit IRC (Connection refused)
i might play baseball
u guys can have flanagus
*** BlackMyst (blacky@mctnts01c11.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
Piscuida is supposed to be an alright keeper
seen crick
truffles-, I last saw crick on the channel 1 day 22 hours 1 minute 31 seconds ago.
heya tar
LOL hi sara
however his name is spelt…
seen sarcasm
truffles-, I last saw sarcasm on the channel 1 day 12 hours 57 minutes 14 seconds ago.
*** Doughnut (toebee@rhsyts03c29.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
Session Close: Sun Sep 21 14:54:52 1997

Session Start: Sun Sep 21 14:55:00 1997
*** Now talking in #Moncton
#Moncton topic is http://www.infodog.ca/moncton/dogpound/irc <- New Bios, we's updated!!!
#Moncton topic set by Zor on Sun Sep 21 14:11:22
hey toebee
*** ashy (rainbowlov@ has joined #moncton
*** flashette is on IRC
*** kats-i- is on IRC
*** not4u2no is on IRC
*** ratchet is on IRC
#Moncton created on Wed Aug 13 21:27:11
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Zor
> gotta love it when someone fucking nukes ya *growl*
cmon barbie lets go party
*** Doughnut is now known as Toebee
*** ashy has quit IRC (Read error: 0 (Error 0))
Hey ppl!
* whooper looks at slayer
Hey ^CenobYte
> nah it ain’t slayer
he always gets me
Hey Truffles
> slayer’s been really good, we’ve had troubles here in the last while with people nuking others
*** Aldur^ (wiz@ts4-d237.mon.atcon.com) has joined #moncton
he winuked me yesterday
i was not impressed
*** C_Flight (C_Flight@ras045.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
> are you sure it was him?
*** G_RIDER (ERIC@ has joined #moncton
yeah cause i insulted him
* Dr_Skip is away: 12 since 21/09/97 2:13PM All messages will be logged.
* Dr_Skip TYPE: “/ctcp Skip page” if you need to page me.
how are ya?
seen Arbez
winnukeing is lame big time
*** Ratchet has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
Aldur^, I last saw Arbez on the channel 1 day 14 hours 57 minutes 26 seconds ago.
*** G_RIDER (ERIC@ has left #moncton
well if u can do it good like slayer
its rather effective
aldur: im good, u?
truffles- tired πŸ˜› very very tired
*** Kats-I- has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
*** sexykitty (biteme@stjhts17c02.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
why so tired?
Hey SexyKitty!
hey toe;)
How r ya?
*** Sodisco is now known as Skip
*** Not4U2No has quit IRC (Operation timed out)
*** ^CenobYte has quit IRC (Read error: 146 (Connection refused))
Sexykitty seen greg latly?
truffles- my dog kept me up till 2 last night and I had to get up at 9 πŸ˜›
hello all
PRODIGY is shakin my house
*** C_Flight has quit IRC (Read error: 146 (Connection refused))
> I’m not liking this
i wouldnt recommend crankin the base when breathe comes on
*** ^CenobYte (alfsfds@ras006.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
* Rob-o has Sloan on now
aldur: well you got more sleep then me! consider yourslf lucky
That was not me!
*** whooper has quit IRC (ba)
*** ^sasha (Sasha@mctnts02c03.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
maybe some Neil Young after it.
*** C_Flight (C_Flight@ras045.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
*** ^sasha (Sasha@mctnts02c03.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
truffles- ok πŸ™‚ but still..I’m tird! πŸ™‚
*** Ratchet (phargus@emanation.com) has joined #Moncton
*** Not4U2No (phargus@lonesomebones.com) has joined #Moncton
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Ratchet
aldur: hehehe, how could your dog manage to keep you awake?
2-3 years and this chick is gonna be rolling in dough (well not literally but i’ll have a pretty hefty stash of cash)
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Not4U2No
seen Cyberkil
C_Flight, I last saw Cyberkil on the channel 1 day 16 hours 12 minutes 44 seconds ago.
truffles- she was barking….cause two of my “friends” decided they’d stop by at like 1:30……and leave a note on the door cause I wasn’t up
*** ^Sarah (WhoCares@fctnts03c35.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
> bbl
Session Close: Sun Sep 21 15:02:04 1997

Session Start: Sun Sep 21 19:18:16 1997
*** Now talking in #Moncton
#Moncton topic is http://www.infodog.ca/moncton/dogpound/irc <- New Bios, we's updated!!!
#Moncton topic set by Zor on Sun Sep 21 14:11:22
#Moncton created on Wed Aug 13 21:27:11
[Zor] Satan lives in my closet with my hamster….
> howdy all
*** Not4U2No sets mode: +o Zor
*** Ratchet sets mode: +o Zor
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Zor
seen Starstrik
Where can I get tickets?
Venoma, I last saw Starstrik on the channel 1 day 16 hours 16 minutes 1 second ago. I don’t know it was really them though… It could have just been some jerk, imitating Starstrik.
hey zor :))
[{_AngeL_} PING reply]: 6 seconds
> hey comet, how ya doing?
good how are you?
Sarcasm: i dunno, i dunno, i dunno! LOL
sarc:at UdM get the tickets there too…playing on Fri
> comet: not too bad, just relaxing
did ya have a good weekend?
Hrm.. where at UdeM?
*** ||Blake|| has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** tdr (~virii@ has joined #Moncton
the club on campus
> comet: not too bad, didn’t do very much, not feeling all that great, think I’m catching a cold
is that where they’re playing?
you and everyne else…it’s bad!
[{_AngeL_} PING reply]: 2 seconds
not sure where you get the tickets
that’ll be kinda crowded?
> comet: yup, how was your weekend?
not too bad πŸ™‚
> comet: do anything interesting?
-Master_C- hey bitch πŸ™‚
Any ladies from Moncton
-> -master_c- hey
went out with some friends
all the ladies are from Moncton πŸ™‚
well, i’m a lady but i’m from Dieppe, but same thing πŸ™‚
> comet: cool, I went out Friday night to visit a friend of mine, that was about it
*** blackmntn was kicked by Ratchet (idle 25 min)
*** blackmntn (at1@ras106.brunnet.net) has joined #Moncton
12(4MSG: 6master_c12) : whats up?
have fun?
> comet: yeah, hadn’t seen her for quite awhile so it was nice
*** marious3 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
*** lirpa (unknown@ has left #moncton
good πŸ™‚
> comet: how’s school?
*** LilDitty (dacrew@ts3-d210.mon.atcon.com) has left #moncton
-> [master_c] PING
-Master_C- That was ping 15,10 422  since 2 1:54:30AM EST Dec 20,1996!
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10Master_C
I’ve been very busy…but so far so good πŸ™‚
> comet: cool, I’ve been finishing off a couple of projects myself actually
oh yeah???? feels good to get them done huh? πŸ™‚
*** marious3 (nbnet@mctnts01c11.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
> comet: yeah, we got one application assignment due for tuesday and I should have 3 of them done by then, lol
> nothing beats staying ahead of the game
*** _Slayer_ has quit IRC (making this game work)
*** Venoma has quit IRC (Leaving)
exactly!!!….I’m doing pretty good that way right now I hope I can keep it up πŸ™‚
*** _Brain_ has quit IRC (Leaving)
> yeah, only bummer though, I blew a test on Friday big time
*** BlackMyst (blacky@mctnts06c02.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] not much… yoyu ?
awww….oh well let that be the last one πŸ™‚
evenin all
*** AllyJ (growl@edmnts01c24.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : vegging out, did netlab come down ok?
> I hope so
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] I thnk so… didn’t check πŸ™‚
* AllyJ needs one mega huge tylenol or sumthin
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : I had a hard time sending it, got disconnected a couple times :(((
*** Acidraine (heidi@ts02-24.netcity.ca) has joined #moncton
hi ppl
> oh well, so now I get to sit back and veg some more, and wait til X-Files comes on, hehehe
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] shitty.
seen slvrlight
Acidraine, I last saw slvrlight on the channel 1 day 17 hours 37 minutes 54 seconds ago.
hey the simpsons are on tonight πŸ™‚
> yup
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] I am just veggin here at kel’s… what are you doing tonight?
*** whooper (andrew@mctnts06c43.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : no idea, searching for the meaning of life, actually, surfing gillian anderson pagfes right now, lol
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] hehehehe… skidog πŸ™‚
you like the simpsons???
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] skindog even!
*** Matt25 (~gentnem@howl.cs.sunyit.edu) has joined #moncton
> yeah, they are cool
hey Matt:)
*** ^CenobYte (cenobyte@ras032.mton.brunnet.net) has left #moncton
I like them πŸ™‚
* Zor twitches
hey comet *hug*
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] whois comet?
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : a chick
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] I figured πŸ™‚
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : lol
*** LaCiViouS (…@ras025.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] hehehe.,..
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : you got any plans for this eve?
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] feel like hasslein IRC channels tonight?
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] Not a plan at all… just veggin… etc
hi laci
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : πŸ™‚ was doing it earlier, without #Moncton’s knowledge of course, hehehehehe
* LaCiViouS waves
*** Sw0rdsman has quit IRC (Na nA NaH, HeY hEy HeY, Good ByE!!! d:=))
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] who were ya hasslin?
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : anyone I could kill off, LOL
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] hehehee… bitch πŸ™‚
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] what were ya using?
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : that click4 unreach nuke, been able to take out about 90% of the people I hit
*** nicole (sometimes@rhsyts03c23.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
> comet: who’s your fave Simpson’s character?
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] really? you’re having better luck than I am
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] I only get about 50% so far
hans moleman
hans moleman
hans moleman
ummmm…..that would be HOMER! πŸ™‚
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : took off about 6 or 7 people in here
> Homer rulz!!!!!
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] ouch
*** ashy (rainbowlov@mach148.fcs.ca) has joined #moncton
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : played with the dns stuff in nt today
* whooper entered to win that house!!
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] get any closer to a spoof?
what house?
where is everyone!
the simpson house
*** nicole has quit IRC (i was here but now i’m gone!! :))
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : closer, I can now resolve any addresses I create, but can’t seem to get it to work under irc
*** LaCiViouS (…@ras025.mton.brunnet.net) has left #moncton
you can win the simpsons house???? cool! πŸ™‚
i’m outta here ttyl
> lol
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] did you try the nslookup thing from the irc server’s dns?
buh bye ashy
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : the whaa?
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : lol
whooper you did? if you win can i come visit? πŸ™‚
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] You might want to consult www.ml.org to get yerself a resolvable addy to start with πŸ™‚
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : ahhhh yes
*** ashy (rainbowlov@mach148.fcs.ca) has left #moncton
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] you want a subnet trype definition … πŸ™‚
Zor: did it rain there today?
*** tdr (~virii@ has left #Moncton
> comet: dunno, wasn’t outside very much, lol
it was cold here today
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : you should see the Gillian Anderson shots in the new US mag, fucking hilarious
> comet: well, I had to put a coat on when I went to Seven C’s to get a magazine
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] got a web site for those?
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : http://www.ao.net/~gaws/frames.html
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : NICE fucking page
* AllyJ spins around and around and around and aroundand around and around and aroundda nad around and around and around and around
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] kewl… brb
gee ally…you’re makin me dizzzzzzy πŸ˜‰
Zor- magazine? PLABOY!?!? πŸ˜›
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] are these girlfriend friendly πŸ˜‰
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] *snicker*
comet yer dizzy? how ya think i feel?
* Matt25 barfs up his dinner
seen spammypoo
{_AngeL_}, I last saw spammypoo on the channel 1 day 20 hours 39 minutes 38 seconds ago.
> skip: no, actually I went to go to Video tech to get a movie and they didnt have what I wanted so I stopped into 7 C’s to check stuff out and US has an article on Gillian Anderson, so I bought it
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : yeah, the new US ones are anyway
eew X-Files
* Master_C is away for the moment -=> working… <=- Record is ON
hey anyone see the movie “The Fan” ???
> not me
> bite me skip
> πŸ˜‰
good movie πŸ™‚
*** Rubee was kicked by Ratchet (idle 25 min)
*** Rubee (rubee@ras111.brunnet.net) has joined #Moncton
Anyone see “The Game”
not me
> not me
> I gotta go see some movies soon
> comet: what do you like to drink?
n e one see me puke?
X-Files is sooooo hard to predict…
And those actors…Oh how they CANT act!
> skip: thats fun part about it
I don’t drink πŸ™‚
Nope Ally
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] mulder looks fancy in that dress πŸ™‚
MAtt good
I don’t like the taste of anything πŸ™‚
> comet: other than alcohol (I dont drink either btw)
*** ads (finch@terrazzo.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #MONCTON
cool πŸ™‚
> coke or pepsi? whats your poison?
diet pepsi πŸ™‚
seen mwo
> !buy comet Diet Pepsi
{_AngeL_}, I last saw mwo on the channel 51 days 19 hours 22 minutes 19 seconds ago.
seen C_flight
* Ratchet gives comet a Diet Pepsi, “Compliments of Zor!”
{_AngeL_}, I last saw C_flight on the channel 2 hours 40 minutes 45 seconds ago.
> lol I think I started a war
thanks zor…nothin like a good cyber drink ;P
dr pepper rules!!
> comet: its the thought that counts right? hehehe
hehehe exactly and I like cyber drinks ;P
*** `jason (willj@nwcsts04c10.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
> cool πŸ™‚
* AllyJ spins around and around and around and aroundand around and around and aroundda nad around and around and around and around and around some more
* Matt25 barfs up his dinner again
* AllyJ thinks she needs some pepto bismol or sumthin
> man, some of these picstures are funny, lol
* AllyJ falls to the floor in a heap
* Zor eats a jug of corn
* Master_C dumps 50 gallons of corn on the floor for all to enjoy! *
* Master_C is back! *Miss Me?????*
> wb c
*** blessid (blessid@edmnts01c16.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
Whoa Ally, don’t slip in my barf puddle!!
what pic.?
zor -> shanx πŸ™‚
*** Mervert (Very@ras025.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
Matt i’ll try not to
> comet: x-files pictures
*** mrX2 (nbnet@mctnts06c46.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
*** marious3 has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
oh ok πŸ™‚
*** blessid (blessid@edmnts01c16.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
*** mrX2 is now known as marious3
> hey, for anyone who cares, I have a bandaid on my eyebrow!
zor -> why?
lol eyebrow????? what happened?
> c: dunno, was taking a shower and saw blood gushing out of my head, hence the bandaid
*** ISAB (gangdefou@ras029.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
sorry for laughing
zor -=> eeevull.
> yeah, I thought so
comet-> laff… it’s funny πŸ™‚
*** _Mateo_ was kicked by Ratchet (idle 25 min)
* Zor kicks Master_c in the nads
* Master_C Takes out THE Fork…
* Master_C Approaches Zor…
* Master_C Rams The Fork Up Zor’s Nose.
OUCH!…sheeesh ;P
zor -> so there!
> I’VE BEEN FORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> BABY BABY!!!!!!!!!!!
*** Remi-16 (unknown@ has joined #moncton
The “NEW” #Teenmoncton is finished of repairs and is now Re-Opened
*** Remi-16 (unknown@ has left #moncton
ok…the question of the night is *drum roll* “Should i get my nipple pierced or another tattoo????”
*** ISAB has quit IRC (Leaving)
*** cubhead (gus@rhsyts04c15.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
depends on if you’re gonna show me the nipple ring or not!
*** Redbeard (Unshaven@ras032.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
zor -> don’t you wish it were true πŸ™‚
*** cubhead (gus@rhsyts04c15.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
> lol
BlackMyst….the tatoo…..
> be the only action I’ve seen in ages
mervy i dunno do you want to see it?
> πŸ˜‰
oh of course
where’s your tattoo btw?
> no nipple piercings please
*** GBS^ was kicked by Ratchet (idle 25 min)
*** lirpa (access3@ has joined #moncton
*** GBS^ (Chary@nwcsts03c39.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #Moncton
zor -> whassamatta with nipple rings?
just the thought of that…yikes! πŸ™‚
> dont like them
*** ESMERALDA (joce@node12.net3.fundy.net) has joined #mONCTON
> *shudder*
how do they pierce a nipple
Zor HAD one
> not likely
he got rid of it though..
merv…well the one i have already is on my ankle…haven’t you seen it? and the one i would be betting is on my arm
zor -> they’re like x-mas tree ornaments πŸ™‚
did you zor??? πŸ˜‰
i haven’t seen it
*** Redbeard (Unshaven@ras032.mton.brunnet.net) has left #moncton
> comet: no mam, no tatoos or piercings on me
* Master_C pierces zor’s eyelid.
> ouch
my friend had that done
oh they’re not that bad…
> *shudder*
temptation on c103!!
i’ve already got one tattoo…didn’t mind it much
*** blackmntn was kicked by Ratchet (idle 25 min)
*** blackmntn (at1@ras106.brunnet.net) has joined #Moncton
*** Sw0rdsman (mediast@mctnts01c44.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
[Sw0rdsman] Long Live The King
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Sw0rdsman
*** Ratchet sets mode: +o Sw0rdsman
> if you ask me, people who get their nipples or eyelids pierced, thats just someone looking for attention
atttention seekers πŸ˜‰
what’s wrong with looking for attention?
*** ads (finch@terrazzo.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #MONCTON
* Zor goes into a histerical fit of laughter
nuffin πŸ™‚
i’d never get my eyelid pierced….ewwwy!
Or they’re being different Zor
*** punkgrrl (me@rhsyts04c40.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
*** ads (finch@terrazzo.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #MONCTON
> when you have to go as far as piercing your nipples to get attention, I think there’s something wrong there
* Master_C is gonna pierce his non-exsistent fore-skin πŸ™‚
> lol
zor -> remember jessica the stripper?
> c: yes I do
curcumsised cocks lock gross
Oh yeah
zor -> perfect example of looking for attention no?
> ok…. I admit it… I’ve done some pretty odd things
> c: yup
the stripper??? uh huh!!!! hmmm… πŸ˜‰ hehhe
comet -> I used to be the DJ at bikini beach πŸ™‚
> but still, nipple piercing is just weird
matter of opinion!
> exactly
ohhhhhhh….I bet you liked that job πŸ˜‰ lol
i’m not getting it for attention…i’m getting it to be different…plus i think it sorta goes with my whole look
* Zor goes into a histerical fit of laughter
*** marious3 has quit IRC (Leaving)
* Zor is gonna shut up now
*** punkgrrl (me@rhsyts04c40.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
12(4MSG: 6Master_C12) : I could insult blackmyst SO bad right now, hehehehehe
[12Master_C(6vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)] do it πŸ™‚
Black: you’re finding yourself..right? πŸ™‚
> comet: do you have any odd parts of your body pierced?
ummm…jjust 2 holes in my nose…lol jk;P
> brb
Session Close: Sun Sep 21 19:51:09 1997

Session Start: Sun Sep 21 19:51:19 1997
*** Now talking in #Moncton
#Moncton topic is http://www.infodog.ca/moncton/dogpound/irc <- New Bios, we's updated!!!
#Moncton topic set by Zor on Sun Sep 21 14:11:22
#Moncton created on Wed Aug 13 21:27:11
[Zor] Satan lives in my closet with my hamster….
*** Ratchet sets mode: +o Zor
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Zor
> there
*** Not4U2No sets mode: +o Zor
lol black
wb zor πŸ™‚
i’m a writer…that’s my excuse πŸ™‚
Yeah, I’ll be cool and be a freak with holes in my nipples so the guys have something to bite on
πŸ˜‰ hehehe
*** Cyberkil (Watchme@mctnts07c10.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
> thanks comet πŸ™‚
*** ^Tigger (Andrew@stjhts19c01.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
*** Matt25 (~gentnem@howl.cs.sunyit.edu) has left #moncton
who said anything about guys??? πŸ™‚
Can I watch? hehe
*** ^Tigger (Andrew@stjhts19c01.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #moncton
> comet: how about tatoos?
*** Zor changes topic to “Find a way, to make you stay, help me please someone….”
no…no tatoos πŸ™‚
> comet: not a tatoo kind of gal?
blackmyst is a dyke?
*** Toebee (toebee@rhsyts02c33.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
* BlackMyst has violet, blue, and aqua hair, 12 earrings, and a tattoo πŸ™‚ “i likes bein different” πŸ™‚
> !soda Coke
* Ratchet happily pours Zor a Coke.
NO!!!! I don’t like pain well either πŸ˜‰
Hey angel!
*** Acidraine was kicked by Ratchet (idle 25 min)
hey Toebee!!
> as long as yopu didn’t get a yellow rose on one of your boobs, cuz when your 80 years old it mutates into a butterfly, lol
master….nope she’s just a quasi-dyke (that’s my affectionate term for bisexual) πŸ™‚
black -> oh… ok.
lol isn’t that a pretty picture though πŸ˜‰
[Master_C SOUND]
zor…no i’ll get a dagger so when i’m 80 it’ll be a sword πŸ™‚
*** _Mateo_ (Mores@ras040.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
lol black
> comet: well, you sound pretty tame to me so thats good πŸ™‚
> ha ha ha
y dagger will be a needle when I am 80 πŸ™‚
my dagger even…
-> [#moncton] SOUND
12(6REPLY 2? 4???K??R?S?r??t2?? 8,8 7,7 4,4 8,1 GOL? 16,1?dition 4,4 7,7 8,8 4 v6.??12) CTCP from [10Cyberkil(2Watchme@mctnts07c10.nbnet.nb.ca)]
gee…thanks….I think ;P
wait a minute that would mean i’d have to have a boob to get it on…scratch that idea πŸ™‚
lol black
* Master_C scratches his boob.
> comet: well, tame as in, lacking that which is rather odd, ie: body piercings, tatoos, nose bones, etc
> yeah
* Mervert has a penis bone
oh ok πŸ™‚
zor -> you trying to pick up an IRC chick again? remember what happened last time!!!! πŸ˜‰
> c: lol
Skip Im Not
oh zor you know secretly deep down inside you like it πŸ™‚ heheheh
lol…tell me what happened??? ;P
zor -> lol indeed .
Im Not doing anything
* Zor goes into a histerical fit of laughter
* Zor goes into a histerical fit of laughter
* Zor goes into a histerical fit of laughter
IS anyone else getting flooded?
> nope
skip -> no… so shaddup! πŸ˜‰
> this is the most irc conversation I have had here in ages
zor -> me too…
* Master_C dances a jig *
me too πŸ™‚
-> [#moncton] SOUND
yea i was just about to comment on that….you’re both actually TALKING πŸ™‚
there go those famous #moncton jigs again
me three
* comet dances with the Master ;P
black -> are you referring to zor and i?
you leave zor out of this you pagans!
comet -> you don’t wanna be dancin wit me dearie!
* Zor snickers
master…yea…y’all never talk…yous just sit there πŸ™‚
> he could get in trouble
*** Master_C changes topic to “Tongue Tongue Tongue ”
[Toebee] PING
[Toebee] PING
* comet dances by herself πŸ™‚
[Toebee] PING
[Toebee] PING
* Zor dances with comet
[Toebee] PING
*** Cyberkil has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
zor -> no trouble… just violence πŸ™‚
[whooper SOUND]
[Toebee] PING
[Toebee] PING
[Toebee] PING
[Toebee] PING
thanks zor πŸ™‚
> even better
[Toebee] PING
[Toebee] PING
*** Acidraine (heidi@ts02-24.netcity.ca) has joined #moncton
I dident do that
[Toebee] PING
[Toebee] PING
[whooper SOUND]
hmm….IS that FLOODING?
Stop Blamming me
*** Skip was kicked by Master_C (shaddup)
Its not hard to type than and Blame me
Bcuz you hate me!
*** Skip (SKIP@ras013.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
*** Skip (SKIP@ras013.mton.brunnet.net) has left #moncton
*** Ratchet sets mode: +b *!*toebee@*.nbnet.nb.ca
hi ppl!
*** Toebee was kicked by Ratchet (be quiet nimrod-man)
*** Skip (SKIP@ras013.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
*** Ratchet sets mode: +o Skip
seen slvrlight
*** Ratchet sets mode: -b *!*toebee@*.nbnet.nb.ca
Acidraine, I last saw slvrlight on the channel 1 day 18 hours 9 minutes 24 seconds ago.
*** Ratchet sets mode: -b *!*@*.csusm.edu
seen pinkj
Acidraine, I last saw pinkj on the channel 1 day 18 hours 15 minutes 25 seconds ago.
> comet: so you like to dance eh?
* Sarcasm is cold
* comet loves to dance
> cool, I’m not much of a dancer
no..you’re not πŸ™‚
* Skip is getting ping flooded from a baffoon
> thanks sarc
> lol
kidding Zor πŸ™‚
nor am I πŸ˜›
> I think the Freddy party proved that
* Acidraine hands sarcasm a cup of hot chocolate
skip -> shaddup πŸ™‚
*** JaMEr (Minus@ts3-d206.mon.atcon.com) has joined #Moncton
thanks acid
*** bundy (dykwim@mctnts01c06.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
*** Ratchet sets mode: +o Mervert
*** Mervert sets mode: +b *!*@rhsyts02c33.nbnet.nb.ca
welc sarc:)
church is boring
*** GBS^ (Chary@nwcsts03c39.nbnet.nb.ca) has left #Moncton
> comet: the only dancing I ever did was Spushing and that always got looks
> lol
zor -> and caused a lot of pain πŸ™‚
it was cool
> pain was not good but the looks were ALWAYS funny
> “why were you flopping around on the floor like a dead fish?”
zor -> especially at the coloseum πŸ™‚
> “because the floor is there”
> πŸ™‚
> ohhhhhhhhh
> the coliseum ROCKED!!!!
-> [Zor] PING
> oh well
12(6PING12) CTCP from [10Zor(2Zippy@mctnts09c46.nbnet.nb.ca)]
12(6 6 second lag 12) reply from 10Zor
you guys had fun??? ;P
*** Rubee was kicked by Ratchet (idle 25 min)
*** Rubee (rubee@ras111.brunnet.net) has joined #Moncton
am I lagged
> comet: oh yeah, we won a limo ride for most original dance
bundy -> nope
*** Phi^ (hey-you@ts3-d198.mon.atcon.com) has joined #moncton
-> [#Moncton] PING
12(6 1 second lag 12) reply from 10bundy
> hey phi
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10{_AngeL_}
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10blackmntn
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10Sw0rdsman
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10whooper
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10Acidraine
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10Rubee
-JaMEr- I like it when you touch my ping-a-ling that way.
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10BlackMyst
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10AllyJ
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10comet
-Master_C- That was ping 15,10 423  since 2 1:54:30AM EST Dec 20,1996!
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10JaMEr
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10Mervert
12(6 2 second lag 12) reply from 10Sarcasm
12(6 3 second lag 12) reply from 10Master_C
12(6 5 second lag 12) reply from 10Skip
12(6 5 second lag 12) reply from 10ESMERALDA
12(6 5 second lag 12) reply from 10`jason
heya phidelt.
12(6 7 second lag 12) reply from 10Phi^
lol zor
12(6 7 second lag 12) reply from 10_Mateo_
too funny
12(6 10 second lag 12) reply from 10FLaSHeTTe
hey Zor
ho phi:)
hey all
12(6PING12) CTCP from [10Master_C(2vomitgod@nwcsts02c14.nbnet.nb.ca)]
*** Rob-o (roberth@mctnts09c19.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
> comet: but I had to retire from spushing cuz I hurt my back toooooo many times
* Master_C is away for the moment -=> gotta get a drink. <=- Record is ON
* Zor beats Master_C in the groin with a hammer
*** Goswina (amanda@rhsyts08c07.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
lol what the heck is spushing???
> WOW!!!!!!!!!!! thats the most intelligent thing I have seen in AGES
> comet: so shouldn’t you be studying instead of yapping on IRC?
ah well this is exciting
*** Mr_Noodle (carson@ts1-15.mon.iSTAR.ca) has joined #moncton
hey everyone
how is u all doin’?
-> [comet] PING
hehehehe I’m done for the night πŸ™‚
12(6 4 second lag 12) reply from 10comet
seen ^cenobyte
I should be studying instead of yaping on Irc
{_AngeL_}, I last saw ^cenobyte on the channel 36 minutes 7 seconds ago.
> comet: cool, I didn’t have to study tonight
nice huh? πŸ™‚
> comet: so much, I hate studying, especially CSD class, such a waste of my time and energy
anyone here from trimble?
anyone here from trimble?
*** Zor changes topic to “Raise your cup and let’s propose a toast, to the thing that hurts you most”
TRINBLE sucks!!!!!!
*** Mervert changes topic to “That’s been there HOW many times?”
trimble sorry
> lol
* Master_C is back! *Miss Me?????*
You rate buildings?
bundy>>you suck
You have too much time on your hands
Picking Random topic from c:\internet\mirc\text\N.txt
*** Zor changes topic to “NORAD: Home of the WOPPER,”
yeah we missed ya mater πŸ˜‰
Picking Random topic from c:\internet\mirc\text\X.txt
*** Zor changes topic to “XMODEM: A spot-marking transfer protocol.”
*** Ratchet has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
sanx comet πŸ™‚
Picking Random topic from c:\internet\mirc\text\M.txt
*** Zor changes topic to “Muskellunge after her pearl like that?”
Picking Random topic from c:\internet\mirc\text\N.txt
*** Zor changes topic to “Noah’s boat would be smaller if he had built a zip.”
> dammit, cant get a good one tonight
zor -> I like that one πŸ™‚
> have to settle for a standby
*** Zor changes topic to “Mom!!! Tell Stephen King to quit making the walls bleed.”
> NO WAIT!!!
*** whooper has quit IRC (Read error: 131 (Connection reset by peer))
*** Zor changes topic to ” Masterbating with a hand full of thumb tacks is more relaxing than it sounds!!!”
really! πŸ™‚
> there!!!
*** Mervert changes topic to “The face in the mirror won’t stop changing”
i wouldn’t know
anyone here know Susan Fahey?
> not me
nope πŸ™‚
* Zor needs something to do
zor -> whatcha wanna do??
> *shrug*
phi -> not I
I gotta go, got a friends who’s telling me how mad she is at her b-friend
*** Ratchet (phargus@emanation.com) has joined #Moncton
makes me glad I’m single fro once
buh bye
> being single is ok, I guess
* Master_C likes being plural
*** FLaSHeTTe sets mode: +o Ratchet
> I did like being plural but that just sorta went south, lol
plural hehehehe
*** Not4U2No sets mode: +o Ratchet
i used to be non single, but it wasn’t fun
> c, always being the smartass
> lol
yah, well I’ve been single for awhile..nothing serious..unfortunately I want something serious.. anyway, buh bye!
zor -> you know is sexy-ass πŸ™‚
c ya!
*** Not4U2No sets mode: +o Phi^
*** Goswina has quit IRC (Don’t let yourself go cause everybody cries, everybody hurts sometimes)
stop with all the lol’s
*** Master_C changes topic to “Light up and let go”
> hello mr_noodle
*** ISAB (gangdefou@ras020.mton.brunnet.net) has joined #moncton
> speaking of that topic
hi zor
* Zor digs out the MP3 player
zor -> you have a copy I presume?
* comet like Mr noodle….the pkg stuff πŸ˜‰
zor -> want winamp 1.5? Much nicer πŸ™‚
> sure
> actually, I never got 1.45, still running 1.4
* Phi^ hates Mr_Noodle… no offense Mr_Noodle
me too
but that’s already
> ya know… that last cup remix is really growing on me
* Mr_Noodle likes comet…..thetoilet stuff!
zor -> not me πŸ™‚
it’s good put cheese in it yummmmmmmmy πŸ˜‰
lol noodle
*** bundy has quit IRC (I have been forced into drinking a case of beer …….. damn the things I do be)
> c: I found something else that is kinda funky, a port scanner for remote systems, scans a remote systems ports to see what services are running πŸ™‚
zor -> does it do it quick like strobe?
* Zor needs better speakers
> c: unfortunately no πŸ™
do u go to school comet?
zor -> send anyway πŸ™‚
comet -> which nbcc?
in freddy
> oh too late
zor -> you know you know?
*** Zor changes topic to “And all you need is just one more excuse…..”
zor -> weird-o
* Zor is weird
*** Master_C changes topic to “I deserve a reward.”
*** Zor changes topic to “Don’t you look so surprised, happy birthday, fucker!”
zor, can i have ops
*** Zor changes topic to “I deserve a reward, cuz I’m the best fuck that you’ve ever had”
> noodle: nope
*** Master_C sets mode: +oooo Mr_Noodle Mr_Noodle Mr_Noodle Mr_Noodle
*** Master_C sets mode: +b *!*carson@*.mon.iSTAR.ca
*** Mr_Noodle was kicked by Master_C (FUCK, sorry about that)
> I hate op beggars
there we go… he had ops πŸ™‚
cya zor πŸ™‚
*** Master_C sets mode: -b *!*carson@*.mon.iSTAR.ca
*** dooogie (dooogie@stjhts07c10.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
> cya comet
l8r comet
c yas comet!
I’m not leaving lol
*** ^Ravin^ (christdied@btstts03c06.nbnet.nb.ca) has joined #moncton
* Zor is now confused
seen Chary^
comet -> ok… hi again πŸ™‚
dooogie, I last saw Chary^ on the channel 2 days 1 hour 4 minutes 14 seconds ago.<br

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