let’s start with that. Check out a video for DVDA’s What Would Brian Boitano Do. Dunno how official it is (likely not) but still funny.
Ok, so how about some news eh? Well, let’s see. I just got home from Mike’
s where I had a subpar supper and shitty service and really have awful bad gas and shits now. Thanks Mike, you fucker!
The weekend was actually not too bad. We had our feast on Saturday which went down good. I bought a badass steak which mixed nicely with the scallops and potato salad. Plus, it was good to see Darcy and the kids along with Louise, and such. Also went and did a bit of digging in the attic trying to find the crib that grandma was going to give us but it doesn’t quite meet up to what we want so we’ll keep looking. Anyone got a spare baby crib laying around?
I am glad to see that it is going to be a short week. The only downside is that I do know I am going to be pretty busy at work which in itself is not a bad thing but it does take away from the whole being lazy thing. I guess the other upside is that the week will go by quickly and before I know it, it will be next week and vacation time.
In geek world, I did some cleanup on my hard drive and freed up a pile of space by taking a bunch of useless crap off of it. I do however need to get a bit of gaming in as I have been sorely laxing in that area lately. No AOE or Tomb Raider and I really should do that more as it is a great distraction of the day to day crap that can happen.
Wow. Does my stomach ever hurt. I dunno wtf was in that pizza I ate but let me tell you, it ain’t healthy. Crap. Wow.
I really don’t feel like ending this post quite yet so maybe I’ll do a bit of rambling. Oh ya. I watched an episode of that Desperate Housewives last night. I was watching it on and off for awhile and just stopped and Tamara said something about wanting to watch it last night so we did and as expected, there wasn’t anything overly spectacular about it. You know what I find sad? Teri Hatcher used to be hot and she has really lost a pile of her appeal in her old age. Now Eva Longoria, that’s a whole other story. But who needs them anyway, I have Tamara 😉 Right dear 🙂
It looks like all of the renovations will be done this week. The basement room is almost done and as soon as they are done that, they’ll put the wall back up, do the wood room, and then it’s all done. I am anxiously awaiting that moment. I’ll post some before and after photos when everything is all done.
Fer phuck sakes… I gotta stop man. I’m making myself sick. Wow. What crawled up my ass and died?