Mooser's was fun

Posted by on July 14, 2006

Moonie, his fiance Lori, Red, daBiker, myself and Tamara, Conrad, and Tamara’s friend Sue all managed to find our way to Mooser’s tonite and it was indeed a good time. People hanging out, eating food, drinking, and shooting the shit. Definitely something we need to do a hell of a lot more right folks?

Toulouse Cruise did not get a chance to play since the patio was closed due to bad weather, even though shortly after closing, it stopped raining. They are playing tomorrow night at Cheers, and I am tempted to go see them as I have not seen them perform in awhile but odds are, I’ll be at home. Who knows. I might just pop in a little later in the evening for a song or two. We’ll see.

The big birthday bash is Sunday and I have a pile of things to buy and some games to plan but I it’s going to be good for sure. I know that people will definitely get a good laugh out of it after some of the games get started. I hope it doesn’t rain so we can enjoy the outdoors.

For now, I need to do some venting so I need to check something first before I go any further.

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