The worst is over now…

Posted by on July 20, 2006

First off, I want to thank everyone for their kind words and support during this tragic event. It really means a lot to us to know that people care and are worried about us. With that said, here’s where we are right now.

The baby was “born” this morning at around 5am. It took awhile for the Cytotec to kick in and start the labour but when it did, it went extremely fast. Both our moms were there and helped us get through everything.

We got to see and hold our son and it was actually much better than I had originally expected since they believe the baby died somewhere during the 20th week of the pregnancy. They dressed him up as best as they could and we said our hello’s and goodbye’s.

After that, it was a lot of rest, and then by noon, we were on our way home.

Tamara is in bed and I’m wide awake so I thought I would share some of what has transpired with people since I know you guys would like to know more but are kind enough to mind your own business.

The whole family is mourning but we all sort of share the same thoughts in that God decided for whatever reason that now was not the time for me and Tamara to have a child. Whether you believe in God or not, I hope you can understand that although this situation is horrible, there is some sort of reason behind it with which we will learn down the road someday.

Tamara is going to likely be off work for as long as the maternity leave will allow her. Since the baby was more than 20 weeks old, she is fully entitled to 17 weeks of maternity leave. It was also our responsibility to decide what to do with Kyle’s body so since it is being sent to the IWK for an autopsy, they will bury it in a special burial site for babies and we’ll have a nameplate added for him. We both decided that we did not want to do a service or burial here as it would just simply be too much. However, something you may not know is that the Moncton hospital puts together a sort of “memory” book which contains the vitals of the baby when it was born, a CD with some pictures (the baby was dressed up in baby clothing), a locket, and hand and foot prints. This box is something we took home and will have as a memory of Kyle. If we had wanted, the hospital would have kept the box indefinitely until we decided we wanted to see it.

The staff at the hospital was incredibly supportive. Despite there being like 5 other births going on that night, there was always a nurse available, and they were very considerate of everything and even one of them joined in our tears. I will definitely be sending them a thank you card.

Speaking of things that I will be sending, one very nasty thing that happened on Monday when we got the news was I was issued a parking ticket 5 mins after my meter expired. The meter expired with no money in it because I was being told my son was dead. I’ll be damned if I’m going to pay the ticket after having gone through what has happened so I’ll be sending a letter to city hall, along with my ticket, and a very blunt letter about why I’m not paying it.

With that said, it’s very quiet in the Klem household today and it will be for awhile. Even the cats know something is up.

Regardless folks, I am going to sign off for now, but if we have any news, I will report it to you and once again, thanks for all your kind words.

– Matt

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