Well after seeing the infamous Mentos & Diet Coke videos, I went out and bought 3 litres of Diet Coke, and three packages of Mentos and tried it myself in the back yard. Sure enough, it erupted like a fucking volcano. Tamara had the video camera out and all. I am tempted, like the Mythbuster guys, to try and make a bigger splash, but at least I got the main eruptions out of my system now.
My day was ok. I have been a bit bummed/out of it with some issues regarding my job but thanks to a good conversation and clarification today, I’m feeling much better about the whole thing. I also got a call for a job at NBCC if you can imagine that. They’re looking for a teacher to teach PC Hardware for 4 months. When she realized where I worked, she pretty much figured out that I didn’t want the job but gave me the scoop anyway and told me if I knew anyone who was interested, to send them her way. Anyone interested?
So yes, the big country concert is this Saturday and I am going. Now, I’d like to clarify something on this. I am not being MADE to go to this show. Tamara has asked me several times if I wanted her to find someone else to go with her and I said no. Fact is, she came with me to the Stones last year and I bought her ticket and despite not really wanting to go, she enjoyed it anyway. In return, I am going with her to this show. Now mind you, I’m not a fan of country music, but an outdoor concert with lots of people can’t be that bad. Besides, I’m sure some of the music will be tolerable. If we end up taking the car there and back, I’ll be sure to put something heavy in the CD player for the trip there and back.
It has been a bit of a slow week this week. Not much news. If you like flamethrowers, you might get you or your kids to try this one at home.
But for now, I’m going to go chale or something