Improv, sort of, at its finest

Posted by on August 25, 2006

So I checked out Fark this afternoon and stumbled upon this story that you HAVE to read and watch. I swear if you have a few mins to spare, it is worth it.

The short version, this improv group gathered 200+ New Yorkers and sync’d their watches. They then proceeded to go into a Home Depot and after being in there for 5 mins, all 200 of them started shopping i n s l o w m o t i o n for 5 minutes. Then, they returned to normal shopping for another 5 minutes. After that 5 mins was up, they all froze in time for 5 mins. After that 5 mins expired, they all left the store.

Can you imagine how cool it would have been to do this? The site has pics and video of the whole thing and man, it looks hilarious. Check it out for sure!

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