After I had a successful day of template work today, I came home, chowed down on some food, and started work on the site.
First off, you probably noticed that everything is is a link is now in yellow. I don’t know if I will keep it that color but I didn’t like the fact that links did not stick out in story posts and because the way this theme is designed I can’t crontrol links on the side blocks differently than links in a story. They all have to be the same color. I want links to show up in a different color but the color I choose needs to work well with both a blue background and a black. Yellow has always worked well for both for me in the past so for now, it will do. It’s not that bad, or I think anyway.
I also FINALLY fixed something that has been annoying me for ages. That damn gap between the top of the stories and the logo. There was always a little bit of space there and tonite I finally dug out where it was coming from. WOO HOO!!!
The week is going slowly. Work is going good and bad all at once. Nothing serious just the usual crap that ppl deal with.
Tamara took the laptop/frame project to a framer guy and he is going to cut a matte specifically to fit our size. Once that is done, we paint the frame, and hang the bitch up. If you are here for guys night on the 23rd, you’ll see it hanging up I suspect.
I made a new playlist for Winamp today. Patton’s Greatest Hits! The best Faith No More/Bungle/Tomahawk/Loveage/Peeping Tom tunes I can find. Not a bad little list of tunes. Good to hack and program with.
A week from tomorrow I go to my first workshop with Rogers cable television. I’ll get to try my hand at being a cameraman. Should be kind of interesting. Since television is something I am curious about it will be neat to be working behind the scenes.
For now, I have my own little TV/DVD projects to keep me busy so I am off to work on one.
OH! BTW Ken, very nice job on the site. Looks good. I even posted a comment. You may want to dig through your security settings on that thing and make it so only registered users can post comments as you will soon find out that spammers and crap will start showing up eventually. Very annoying. Anyways, great job!