A daily post

Posted by on January 15, 2007

Since I have my lunch hour to kill some time and it is a slow day anyway, figured I’d post something to pass the time anyway.

So beyond Tamara’s massive winfall on Friday night, the weekend was pretty uneventful. We did a bit of cleaning around the house and removed one of our fish tanks. Yes, we finally pulled the plug on the tank in the kitchen. The tank always had pH levels that were too high and most fish died in there. It was nice while it lasted but I am glad to have gotten rid of it.

I also started on a new music video. The song of choice was Rescue by Eve 6. Usually when I choose videos, the song does not have to have any sort of specific link to what the video will be and in this case it was no different. I just really like the song and it seemed to flow well with what I am doing. The video is of our trip to Alberta last summer. I am hoping to complete it in the coming weeks. Expect it to be posted with my other videos.

I’m on the road Sunday. I have to catch a flight to RI at 6am. Man that will be an early morning. I am glad I will have a pile of time to rest when I finally get there. This of course is all dependent on whether or not the trip gets cancelled again. Doesn’t seem to be any stability with this particular client. Beyond my control but still a bit irritating.

It also looks like one of my other trips is going to either be shifted or postponed. I am hoping to hear the details on that today but we’ll see.

I have received one YAY and one NAY to the poker game. Moonie, thanks for the email. Hosford declined due to other obligations but I kinda expected that anyway since he is in Miramichi. All others are pending, we’ll see.

The second part of the 3rd season of Lost starts in less than a month and it looks like I will be on the road that same week. Fine by me. Make sure I am back in my hotel vegging out and waiting for the show to start. I have done a lot of reading and it looks like this latter season is going to answer a lot of questions, pose some new ones, and really get people’s heads scratching… Supposedly episodes 8 & 12 are pivotal and the guy we saw in the Pearl’s monitor with the eye patch is going to be a major figure and the character of Paulo (sp?) is key for later on as he speaks Portugese apparently and that was the language of the two guys at the Listening Station who work for Penny Widmore. Apparently that whole Penny thing is also supposed to be addressed and is a very large part of the rest of the season. Should be interesting. I can’t wait.

I also have decided that despite my earlier reservations, I am going to continue watching Jericho for a few more episodes and see where it leads. If by the end of the February sweeps the show is still boring, I’ll bail for good. Only thing that makes it easy is that it is on just before lost on Wednesday nights.

Well I guess the time is getting a bit closer to where I should be starting some work again. I have a low volume on my plate right now so I’m doing a lot of study work and getting ramped up on another product. Plus, I need to do a pile of documentation so that I’ll have good notes to reference later. Fun city. Could be worse. I could be bored stiff with NOTHING to do and forced to run around the office aimless. Now that would be kind of funny though. Heh

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