Yesterday was awful.
I got up at 4:30 to go to Montreal so I could catch a flight to Chicago. I had no problems with the flight there. Got to Montreal and despite the fact that I hate Montreal’s airport, I went through fine until I hit security where the guy used the wand on me and then seemed to think I was concealing something in my pants and started poking around the top of them and with those damn rubber gloves, pulled some air from my stomach where I very loudly let him know it hurt, and subsequently the search ended. I was waiting for him to ask me to take my pants off so I could get a cavity search. Fug sakes.
I get on the plane and the crew is ready, the pilots are ready, we are ready to leave but unfortunately the baggage had not been loaded yet because the baggage people were on break. So, an hour later, we finally left.
In leaving an hour late, we landed late, meaning I missed my original flight. So, I rescheduled for the 1pm flight no problem. This flight then got bumped and delayed several times until we were finally told that the toilet was frozen solid and that they didn’t know if they could fix it so they might have to cancel the flight.
They finally fixed the toilet, and the crew was missing since they had left and gone… somewhere in the airport… so they had to find them.
Finally, they were found, we were loaded onto the plane, and we got to leave Chicago. I am so glad to finally be here.
The high today will be 19 degrees C *snicker* so please enjoy your cold weather as I will be returning to it soon. I guess I really did pick a good week to be gone.