Wow. Somehow it seemed like this week dragged on but flew by at the same time. Hard to fathom that it’s over and I’m back on the road this Sunday. Least when I get back there will be a bit of a pause before doing any more serious travel. I head off to Toronto for 2 days at the end of the month and have nothing else scheduled until mid-April. Some home time will be nice.
Got a call from Cheez last night. He is in town for a few days. Wants to try and get together tonite I think. Gonna see who I can round up that can get together since he doesn’t get back home very often. Seems anxious to see some people for sure.
Website has been somewhat quiet in the last week or two. People must be pretty busy with things going on here and there. Not a lot of scribble activity. That’s ok. Peaks and valleys. That’s the way it goes.
Sold my PDA to Ben and he seems quite happy about it. I think he was surprised at what the little thing is capable of. Got it all hooked up and he downloaded some huge pack of apps for it so hopefully he’ll make more use of it than I have. I really liked it but just wasn’t using it as much as I used to. Good to know it’s going somewhere where someone will use it heavily.
I have been pondering doing something for the last few days but have not bothered to actually go do it. I’m actually thinking of going out and doing some serious clothes shopping. I could use a few new pairs of jeans, some more hoodies/sweater shirts, and maybe a few dress pants. Tamara says I should be taking more than just two pairs on the road but the fact is, my carry-on bag only holds so much and the less I bring, the easier it is to deal with. 5 days of clothes into a carry-on bag is a lot of stuff and pants are bulky. However, since one of my pairs of pants pulled a disappearing act, I really should get some new ones. Man, this getting older and bigger certainly doesn’t help the budget when you need to invest in new clothes now and then. Thank God for Value Village.
Anyone here watch Battlestar Gallactica? WTF is the deal with Starbuck anyway? I cannot believe they did that. I mean, it’s STARBUCK for frig sakes. I was totally blown away by Sunday’s episode and am really anxious to find out if there is more to that story or if she really is… dead. Like, WTF?!?!?!