Today I took a long drive down to the Halifax airport. I finally had my Nexus application approved and I had to go down there to finalize it. All that means is that now when I cross into the US via an airport, I don’t have to deal with annoying customs people who asks questions that are just intended to do nothing more than piss me off. Here’s to the end of that!
That having been said, my last day at work before my trip was way better than the day before. Moods were higher and the tension was gone. Upon packing my stuff up to come home, I also got a little surprise. I had lost my MP3 player on the same trip I lost my PSP but as luck would have it, it turned up in my laptop bag afterall. So it was a great way to start the weekend.
However, I gotta say I’m feeling a bit blah. Not sure if I am coming down with something, or if it’s because I’ll be away from Dylan for a week, or what it is but between last night and tonite, I’m just not feeling too shit hot. Was pretty blah last night and even the trip today seemed blahish. Maybe a trip out of the city to Seattle will do me some good. We’ll see.
Halloween party is next weekend and we still have no idea how many people might show up. The attending list is small compared to the “maybe attending” list. If you have received an invite on Facebook, can you please try and find out if you will be able to come or not and set your status as such. We’d really like to see a good turn out this year but I know people have lives and are busy but it is a good chance for everyone to see each other and hang with some friends at least so hopefully, we’ll see you there.