New website nearing completion

Posted by on February 26, 2008

After getting seriously pissed off at Movable Type, I walked away for a day or so and came back and then found I was just too damn stubborn to really look for what I wanted and walking away allowed me to re-center myself and find what I needed.

That having been said, the new version of the site is almost ready to go live. Ultimately, what you will see is more minor cosmetic changes than anything else. I am removing some of the content that is really old and not as relevant anymore, and trying to make the site much easier to maintain for the future.

I would like to say that the new version of the site will be up before the end of the week but I do not think that is going to happen. I think the most likely situation is to see it live before the end of March.

The biggest things holding me up right now is just getting all of the content loaded properly, plus I really want to keep the “Scribbles” that I currently use here but there is no MT plugin that does the same thing so I am having to find something that I can hack up to do what I want. Rest assured, I will find something. I know folks like that little addon.

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