Yes folks, the time finally happened where I managed to find a way to move my blog, with relatively little hassle, to a new publishing platform. I am now on WordPress and am happy to have a little bit more control over what I am doing.
That having been said, the items/links/extras are not anywhere near done, but I wanted to move to this new platform so that I could FORCE myself to start moving pages to this new style.
The logo is crap, but it is better than what this theme came with. I’ll fix that as I go as well.
Also, if you had a registered username on the old site, it has not been moved yet so if you want to comment, just enter your information and as soon as the user info is moved over, I will let you know.
I am hoping to get this site up to it’s fullest in the short term so hopefully you’ll see a lot of updates in a short period of time.
Hope you enjoy!