This should be interesting…

Posted by on May 7, 2008

So a week or two ago I got this email from a friend of mine. He told me that the campus manager of Compucollege wanted to talk to me. He said he thought she was looking for a favor. So, I contacted her. It was quite interesting to hear what she was interested in.

Without going into a lot of detail, she basically wanted me to teach a few night classes to help out with a few students. I would be paid on a private basis but I would be teaching to a few of their students on a specific subject that the school felt I was very good at during my time there.

So, we’re working out the financials now. Realistically, if I were to charge the kind of money I really SHOULD be charging, there’s no way the school would fork out that kind of cash. But, as long as I am comfortable and happy with whatever they come back to me with, I’ll probably go for it, and enjoy the extra coin from the small gig. Just as long as I don’t end up pulling my hair out over it.

For those of you that know my history with the school, you might wonder why I would even bother setting foot back in that place. Well, truth be told, the thought came to mind. But, I don’t have to have any interaction with the previous management, and this is something completely different, and lets face it, they are coming to me wanting my help so I might as well see what I can charge, do the work, and be on my way.

Despite the circumstances of my departure from the school, it ultimately resulted in my being able to become employed at Whitehill, now Skywire, which is where I am very happy, so I’m not going to hold it against them. Who knows. If this goes well, it could lead to other opportunities. You never know what can happen right?

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