Directions to Matt's cottage

Posted by on August 18, 2008

Ok folks, for those who plan on attending the “Crew” reunion this coming Sunday, here are the directions on how to find my cottage. Don’t bother trying to use the Facebook map listed because it doesn’t work 🙁 It is however quite easy to find my place down there.

These directions assume you are coming from Main St in Moncton. You should be able to derive how to get there based on these directions.

  • Coming from Main St Moncton, head towards Champlain Place.
  • Take the exit onto Wheeler Blvd (just before the mall) and proceed onto highway 15 heading east towards Shediac/Nova Scotia/Sackville.
  • Follow highway #15 all the way to Shediac. You will want to take the second exit into Shediac. NOT the main exit (by the Chev car dealership) but the second exit, which is the Parlee Beach exit. You’ll know you’ve taken the right exit if you pass Beausejour campground on the right and cross over the highway to the left.
  • Follow that road until you hit a set of lights. You should see a Petro Canada just on the other side, and if you proceed straight, it brings you into Parlee Beach. DO NOT GO STRAIGHT!!!
  • From those lights, turn left and follow Main St Shediac until you hit another set of lights.
  • That set of lights should be right beside an Irving station. You will want to to right onto that road (Pointe Du Chene Rd). This is the same road that takes you to the wharf. You should see a sign about it costing $2 to get to the wharf. Don’t worry. The cottage is before that.
  • Follow that road down for a kilometer or so. You’ll go over a tiny little bridge, and pass a post office on the right.
  • Once you pass the post office, keep an eye on the right for Brydges st. You will want to turn right onto this street.
  • Once on Brydges St, you’ve got it made. The cottage is at the end of that road (before the gates) and is on the right hand side. It’s a small pink cottage (don’t ask why). If you pass Livingston Lane, you’ve gone too far. You should see a maroon colored Honda Civic parked on the lawn.
  • Parking may be an issue as you cannot park on the street in certain spots. Feel free to park in front of the cottage and come find me or Tamara. We can point you in the direction of a place to park while at our place.

I have made a Google Map that gets you almost the whole way there but does not have named roads off Pointe Du Chene road so you can use it and these directions as a guide.

If you get lost, call us at the number listed on the Facebook event page.

Hope to see you there!

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