Mommy’s Update

Posted by on May 20, 2009

I guess this is my first post. Not that I haven’t wanted to write. There’s just so much in my head that it’s overwhelming and too hard to put into words. It feels like I just found out yesterday that we were expecting you, and now, it’s less than a month to go and you will be here. The time has gone very slow and very fast at the same time. I have had many emotions going on, some good, some scary. I guess the biggest one was my nervousness of having a girl. I guess, coming from a family of boys, I’m not sure that I would know what to do with a girl. I mean, I have 3 brothers, and most of my cousins were boys, and all the babies in our family are boys. It’s a little scary to think that I won’t know what to do with a girl. And the fact that I am emotional and cry at the drop of a hat doesn’t make it easier. I tend to think that you will be just like me. I believe those fears have passed. As long as you have lots of love and are raised with understanding, that everything will be ok.

We still have lots of work to do. I just got the crib yesterday and want to try and put that together tomorrow. Daddy put the dresser together yesterday, and I need to finish putting the bassinet back together. I may work on that tonight. I have a feeling that the cross stitch won’t be done before you get here, and I plan to make the curtains and your blanket next week. There’s so much to do. I really don’t know where the time has gone. As you will soon find out, I am not the most organized person.

I hope so much for you. I hope that you really like your big brother. I think that Dylan is going to think the whole world of you. I know that there will be lots of adjustments to make, but things will work out.

All I know is that I am really looking forward to meeting you, little girl! Just don’t plan on coming this week, and all will be well with the world. Daddy is away for 5 days this week, and he really does not want to miss your arrival. I don’t want him to miss it either. A little one needs to have both parents around when she arrives!

Pulled from Megan's blog. Read the original post here

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