3 weeks old

Posted by on May 22, 2009

I was going to post a photo of Megan but unfortunately all of the pictures are on our network drive which is currently disconnected. I’m hoping to get that up and running again this weekend.

Regardless, the little one is growing. She’s already grown an inch or so and is now past her actual birth weight. She’s starting to have a lot more awake time so she’s got her pretty eyes looking around everywhere. She also likes to poop, a lot.

It’s very interesting to see the differences from what Dylan did as a baby to what she is doing. Kind of hard to explain but she is definitely her own personality. She argues with Tamara’s boobs when she doesn’t get her milk the way she wants and she definitely prefers being held versus laying in her basonette. Makes me wonder how she’s going to turn out.

Her brother is treating her like gold despite his issues with her being in the house. He’s taken to her quite a bit and has decided that she should NEVER have anything covering her. No blankets or anything. Just her. It’s quite amusing.

I will say though that having two kids is not like having one kid. I’ll be posting my own rant on the subject on Bobsroom so feel free to read that. It’s definitely harder being a parent to two versus one.

But that having been said, she’s doing very well and we’re very happy to have her in our family.

Pulled from MegansWorld.ca. Read the original post here

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