Well, I figure she’s been here for two months, I should do a post. I think about it often, but don’t have a whole lot of time to actually get to it. Who knew babies could keep you so busy.
I can’t believe how fast the past two months have gone by. Megan is growing so quickly. She sure like to eat (too bad more of it doesn’t stay down)! Her appointment for her 2 month needles is on Thursday. I’m not looking forward to that. Who wants to have their little one poked like that. I know she sure is a strong little girl. She pushes herself into a standing position with her feet when I’m holding her. She has been holding her head up for quite a while and she is rolling from belly to back. I don’t know how I can give her proper belly time when all she does is roll over.
She is starting to smile a bit more, but still not as much as I would like. It really lights up her whole face. I have a feeling she is going to be a bit more serious than her brother is.
She is still having cranky evenings. The crying fits are getting less, but they are still there. She is going to bed around 10ish now and she normally sleeps until around 3 when she has 1/2 a feeding cause she’s so tired. Then she’s up again to eat around 5. I forgot how much I dislike the spit up. She’s a good eater, but doesn’t like to burp much. When she burps, it always seems to bring up 1/2 of her meal with it, through her mouth and her nose. Not pleasant. And it takes her breath away. Certainly something for me to ask the Doctor about.
Dylan really likes her. Any time she’s down on the floor playing, he has to go lay beside her or bring her toys to show her. If she’s in her swing, he’s right there pushing her, and if she’s in the cradle, he’s there talking to her. He has a special voice for her. As soon as he sees her, he runs up, says “Hi” and rubs her face. He will take her hand and rub his own face with it. He wants her to do the same thing to him. Very sweet!
They have both taken turns waking each other up, whether it be in the daytime or the nightime. At least it doesn’t happen too ofter.
As for me, I am very exhausted. Lack of sleep is certainly affecting me. I am very emotional, jumpy and holy frack, am I ever forgetful. I think the forgetfullness is the worst. Hey, just yesterday, I locked us out of the house cause I left the keys in here. Thank Goodness Matt was able to get in the front window. Then we went to Mom’s house and I left my set of keys there. I’m scared I’m going to forget her somewhere. I’m always checking the back seat when we are out to make sure she’s still there.
I was really nervouse about having a girl because I didn’t know what to do with a girl. All I can say is that I can’t imagine life without her. I can’t believe how enamoured I became with her right from the start. I am very blessed to have a wonderful little boy and a wonderful little girl. Life is good!
Pulled from MegansWorld.ca. Read the original post here