Last year when I did my geocaching race event, I set up electronic registrations to let people register their teams ahead of time. I believe two or three people did this and the rest just showed up at the start of the event.
This year, as of this post, I have 10 teams who have registered electronically with a total people count of 41 thus far. This doesn’t even count the folks who just show up on race day. That’s freaking crazy!
I did a dry run of the race this morning and it looks like this one is going to run about 3 hours long. maybe less or more, depending vastly on traffic and how fast people plow through the tasks.
The next step is the big one which is to print all of the clues off, and stuff them in envelopes, and label them. This was the part that seemed to take forever last time. However, this time I am at least skipping some steps to make it easier and will be using more cost-effective paper and envelopes. Since I’m the one hosting the BBQ at the end, I’ll fork out the cash for the food and stiff on the nice envelopes this time.. Tamara’s got it right in that no one will care as little things like that usually go unnoticed anyway.
Really looking forward to it. Can’t wait to see the turn out of people. If you’re bored on Saturday and own a GPS, come on down to Bore Park here in Moncton at 1pm. You really don’t even need to be a geocacher to play. You just need a GPS, a car, and the ability to enter coordinates into your GPS.
Should be lots of fun!