Yes folks, she has gone from saying nothing or just crying, to squawking! She’s smiling, laughing, and spending more awake time just paying attention to things around us. It is very nice to finally see her starting to develop a bit of a personality.
We took the kids to the beach today and I had her dipping her legs in the water. She had fun kicking in the water and Tamara had her on her knee playing as well.
The crying has gotten a bit less. She’s not freaking out and crying non-stop all the time now. It is a bit of a relief but the heat right now is not helping the situation. She’s dripping with sweat, like we all are, and I can’t blame her for being frustrated. At least me and Tamara now are getting more used to her.
I spent about 30 minutes rocking her to sleep before Tamara came in and took her and she woke up. Nice to have some father daughter time. I’ve got her to myself all day tomorrow with no Dylan so I’m not sure how well that will go. I’ll keep you posted.
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