My two year old boy

Posted by on September 3, 2009

Today, my son woke up and got out of bed for the first time as a full fledges two year old boy. It is very hard for me to fathom that two years has gone by already. Wow. Where has the time gone? When other people have said that time goes by even faster when you have kids I always chuckled but now I know it to be very true.

To celebrate his birthday, he had his cousin and uncle over, both his grandmothers and his great-grandmother, and chowed down on some cake and ice cream. He was very happy to open up one of his gifts and find his own little guitar inside a box. He’s been playing with me and mine now for awhile and he really likes it so we decided to get him his own. Not a toy guitar but a real one. He played it almost non-stop after he got it open.

He’s no longer in a “crib” as we removed the rail off it and placed a small guard on it. He now can walk up a little stool and get into his bed himself. He really is growing up.

I’m not sure what else to say other than that everyday he amazes me and that for only two years old, he seems SO smart. Some days he can be difficult, but we all have days like that. Regardless, he’s a little mini-me and I love him to pieces. I wonder how he’ll surprise me in the next two years.

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