Happy Birthday Super D – Updates

Posted by on September 6, 2009

Our wonderful little boy is 2 today. It’s hard for me to imagine. I have very mixed feelings. I never understood why women got all emotional over their children’s birthdays and here I am doing it myself, and I still don’t get it. I am so very proud of the little boy that he is, but so sad that he seems to be growing up so quickly.

It’s been awhile since I have done a post, so I’m going to go back a few months.

About March of this year, he finally started talking. When I say talking, I mean saying one word at a time. After this started, he started to develop by leaps and bounds. It’s very interesting to see him take a word and associate it with something. He started with one word or the last syllable of a word or sentence. Ie: If I said YMCA, he would say A. If it was Nanny, he would say Ny. He got the easy words like milk or bath. Then he started putting two syllables together, next came two one syllable words. Now he will put 4 and 5 syllables together. He is very entertaining. He says words that are easy to confuse, like marshmallow and mushroom. In my opinion, he’s pretty easy to understand. If I’m not sure what he’s saying, all I have to do is look around and see what sounds like he’s saying or ask him to show me with his hands and I can figure it out. Last night we were sitting at the table and he started pointing and saying “ite”. We weren’t sure what it was that he was looking at until he pointed to the pop bottle sitting there and we guessed it was the Sprite bottle he was after. It makes it very nice that he can communicate with us a little easier. Here is a list of some of the words he says in his own way:
Pish = Fish
Dooden = soother (this is one thing that he picked his own name for, so now we call it his dooden, too)
Wawer = water
Puice = juice
Seral = Cereal
He has a hard time with his F’s, g’s, and l’s.

He also discovered the word “NO”. Now at first it wasn’t just no, it was NNnnnoooooooooo with a big whine sound to so along with it. For the first few days, it was only when he meant it. Then he changed and said it with everything. At least now, when I ask him a question, I can get him to tell me yes or no. If he says no to something I ask, and he then changes his mind, he has to suffer the consequence of not getting what I offered. Hopefully this will ease off on the no’s some.

He’s started to use the potty. He’s peed several times in the potty and pooped once. He likes the novelty of flushing, but has to decide to be a bit more consistent with telling us when he has to go. It will be awhile yet before he’s trained but I’m not in a big hurry and I won’t pressure him. It will happen when he’s good and ready.

He loves daddy’s guitar and always wants him to take it out and play it. Well today, he got his own for his birthday and it certainly was a hit. He even let Lucas share it with him.

He’s not a big eater, but according to the Dr., he has grown. He was just over 24 lbs today at his check up. Still on the small side but nothing to worry about.

He has an obsession with pouring. It doesn’t matter if it is water, food, toys, or a beverage, he wants to pour anything he can from one container to another.

He loves his books and will sit and read them to himself when he needs to wind down. He will look at a book, say a word thats on the page and then turn it to the next page and go throught the whole book like that. He gets a story time just about every night and always makes sure he asks for it. He get fixated on a certain story and wants us to read it to him every night. Right now it’s his chickens arn’t the only ones book. He will ask for ‘chicken?’. and go get the book and bring it right to us.

We just took the front off of his crib and put a rail up to make it into a toddler bed. He was super excited and just wanted to jump all around his bed. He hasn’t been able to crawl out yet, but we figured it was time for a bigger boy bed.

He’s a very smart and polite little boy. We are very blessed to have this wonderful little guy in our lives.

Pulled from DylansHouse.com. Read the original post here

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