Dooden, broke! Dooden, broke!!! More dooden??!?!

Posted by on September 17, 2009

Dooden = soother = pacifier.

Ever since we took the rail off Dylan’s bed and he can climb in and out of it on his own, he’s been a bit more obsessed/reliant on using his soothers. We leave them in his bed and he knows that they are to remain there. So once he had clear access to them, everytime something happened that he didn’t like, he would retreat to his bed for his soother. We didn’t like the idea of him becoming SO dependent on them so we pulled the plug on them last night.

I took two of his soothers and cut holes in the tips of them. This effectively negates the “sucking” he does. I put them in his bed and when he went to get one, he started to panic. The headline says it all. He got REALLY worked up and kept saying that his dooden was broke. We told him that they were really old and that old things can sometimes break. He had a hard time with it and did eventually fall asleep but not until having a couple of minor meltdowns beforehand. He also woke up several times in the middle of the night which is something he typically doesn’t do.

We know it doesn’t hurt him but he was becoming too reliant on them so we decided to take them away for now. Once he was up and around this morning he was fine. Tonite we’ll see how he does again. I’m sure that by the time the weekend is over, he’ll be fine. We hope. :)

Pulled from Read the original post here

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