It didn’t last :(

Posted by on September 21, 2009

Supernanny would probably scold me and Tamara for going back on cutting him off, but we did. Dylan has his soothers again.

It started basically when we realized he was getting sick (along with the rest of the house it would seem). We knew that between the stress of having been away recently, and getting sick, the removal of his “dooden’s” probably wasn’t helping. So, me and Tamara decided to let him have ONE of his good soothers, and let him keep the other “broken” ones. The deal for him was that he needed to know that he could ONLY have his soothers when it was time to sleep.

So what we have done is made sure that as soon as he wakes up and leaves his bed, we take his soothers and put them out of sight and out of mind. If he has a fit, we tell him he can’t have them unless it’s sleep time because they might “break” like the other ones did. It seems to be working.

We both agreed that the soothers are harmless and that perhaps after he gets back from staying with mom for a week (while we’re away) and he’s back to his normal self, maybe we can try taking them away again.

I’m sure some folks would say that it’s bad parenting to take something away and then give it back under pressure from him. Fact is, we’re choosing to fight that battle another day when things are a little less stressful for the guy. It’s not like he’s going to have a soother when he’s a teenager :)

Pulled from Read the original post here

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