Someone isn’t liking the whole “share” experience

Posted by on November 19, 2009

Ahhhh the fun that is growing up for almost two years by yourself.

Dylan is now a little over 2 years old. He’s become quite attached to his toys and pretty much anything that he plays with he tends to claim as his own. However, with Megan getting a little older now, she’s able to move and latch onto things that Dylan typically plays with. This is a concern for him as I think he thinks she’s trying to take his stuff away from him.

Pretty much anything she grabs that he thinks is his causes him to have a little bit of a fit. Nothing major, just a bit of whining and crying and pointing to whatever Megan has. If he’s playing with a truck and she grabs his blocks, he gets mad because she’s playing with HIS blocks. Me and Tamara have done our best to let him know that he needs to share and that if he’s not playing with something, other people are allowed to play with his toys.

We’ve seen the same thing with him and his cousin Lucas. Lucas goes to play with one of Dylan’s toys and D gets upset. Funny thing is that he doesn’t get upset over everything, just some toys and it’s not necessarily the same toys all the time. Regardless, Dylan is learning all about sharing and I don’t think he’s happy about it.

The bright side is that before you know it, he’ll be used to sharing and it won’t be that big a deal. We have told him that there are some toys he doesn’t have to share if he doesn’t want to. it only seems right that he should be able to set a few boundaries of his own so that he can have some things just to himself.

Speaking of “self”, this is one of D’s favorite words of late. He wants to do everything himself. Brushing his teeth, washing his hair, climbing into his carseat or table chair. You name it, he just keeps saying “self self”. It’s very interesting to see how independent a 2 year old can really be.

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