A few tidbits from the Fredericton weekend

Posted by on April 12, 2010

This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only.

This past weekend Fredericton was the host of five geocaching events over the course of two days. I was among the many who attended the events and did some caching in the area. Here’s a few things I experienced while in the Fredericton area:

  • Participated in the CITO event along route 102. Beautiful scenery in the area but there was a lot of garbage on the side of the roads. Was nice to clean it up.
    • Plenty of caches right along the water, including one that had obviously floated away due to the flooding.
    • Finally met VBpad, forestfauna, and coopsquared. Nice to put a face to a name.
  • Found myself in the middle of some wooded area at the end of a road while trying to find a cache. Found some sort of weird looking 5’x5’x5′ wooden “box” that looked like it could have almost passed for a shelter. I wondered if a homeless guy or some other person was inside of it as I passed by. Freaked me out a bit but the area was really nice 🙂
  • Did a few caches along this trail. Very nice area. When Sunday came along and it was time for me to go visit a friend of mine I got directions and found myself on Kent St literally behind that trail. I could have bushwhacked to her house easily.
  • I had never been to the Lincoln area before so this part of Fredericton was a nice surprise. My only real experience of the city had been downtown and the malls up near Prospect st so this gave me a whole new impression of the city.
  • Snagged a small cache right downtown with a few muggles around. Being stealthy was fun again.
  • Was blown away by the amount of people who showed up to the flash mob
  • Tried to use the GPS to find my hotel but turns out it’s a new hotel that wasn’t listed. Managed to find it easy enough. Couple of caches really close to the area but one of them was in an area that had one of the worst smells I have ever experienced. Wow it was bad.
  • Had a little snooze in the afternoon and almost missed the bash event. Woke up and made a dash for it. Fortunately I was a bit early since at 5pm there wasn’t many there.
  • Fantastic turnout for the bash. Lots of great people, WAY too much food (wow) and some folks got to sign Bernie’s log since I brought him with me.
  • Enjoyed the night caches at Kilarney Lodge. It’s definitely a different experience and one that I am glad I did with fellow cachers.
  • Filled my stomach to the brim at the buffet brunch. Great turnout of people.
  • Took the old highway home and snagged another 10 caches before hitting Salisbury.

It was a great couple days. 41 caches and 5 events and a LOT of fun. I really hope to see more of these types of weekends for cachers. I wish the folks from Moncton were a bit more outgoing as it sure seems the folks in Fredericton like to get together.

Hopefully we’ll see some posts from a few others who enjoyed the weekend as well.

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