Man, life is busy. Holy.
Well since my last post, a lot of different things have transpired. Let’s see… where to start. Let’s talk work stuff.
Work isn’t a topic I usually share much about mostly to keep myself from getting in trouble (been there, done that) but lately I’ve had some work things happen that have really made me think about a few things. I actually think that between dad’s death and my own needs, I’ve started putting some things into focus.
See, I never really expected myself to end up where I am right now, and although I have a good job, I’m not totally sure what my future holds for me. After doing some research recently, I seem to have become even further confused based on some of the information I was given. It really makes me wonder if the career path I was thinking of embarking on is in fact where I want to go. For awhile I was really keen on moving into larger parts of the same world I am in, but now I’m really second guessing that. I think I may actually be even more confused about that stuff now than I was before. Very odd.
I suspect that after I absorb some time and thought, it will be a bit more clear but I’ll have to wait and see.
I’m getting quite excited for my trip to Seattle. I leave in just over 2 weeks and will be there for about 4 days. LOTS of caching and lots of places to go but I am going to have a blast. I can’t wait! Plus, I’m going on a caching trip to PEI this weekend and that too is going to be a lot of fun. Can’t wait.
The cottage stuff is… well it is. We’re still waiting to get some work done on it and there is a LOT of stuff to get ready before rental season really starts but I am confident that we’ll get it in good enough shape for people to use. It’s not really that bad it’s just finding the time between now and July to get it all done. We do have some confirmed renters already so for that I am happy. That will help offset the costs we’re putting out.
Lastly, I have a little message to someone out there that I’d like to share. I rarely post something like this but I’m going to this time, get it out of my system, and leave it. Recently, I was told about a certain… how shall I put this…confrontation that ensued which resulted in one person basically screaming, yelling, and practically foaming at the mouth towards someone else. This same person also thinks that the best way to deal with her issues with others is to voice her dirty laundry on the pages of Facebook where her so called friends would see it. Knowing full well that that most of her “friends” have no clue what’s actually going on, she figures she’ll get comments back that support her opinions and somehow I suspect that makes her feel justified in what she’s doing. One look at her FB profile and you’ll see that she has more interest in bitching about everyone else in her life and how badly she has it, than how she’s actually doing anything to try and change it.
All I can say is, really? You really think that’s the best way to treat family?