Mr. Independence

Posted by on June 14, 2010

It’s been awhile since I posted any progress on the kids so I did a post on Megan’s blog today and I’m doing one here.

I guess the biggest thing for Dylan recently is his move to the potty. We’ve been potty training him for quite awhile now and I would say that generally, it’s going pretty good. He does fight it from time to time and says he doesn’t want to go but then after a bit, we manage to get him to go to the bathroom and he’s “relieved” to be on the potty.

But one thing he is not is a boy who wants help. He wants to do EVERYTHING himself. From putting his clothes on, to pouring the pee out of his potty into the toilet, to getting into his carseat. Anything and everything that needs to be done, he wants to do it himself.

His language skills continue to improve as most of the time he can be understood very well. I’d say the only thing that probably needs a little work is his attachment to his “dooden” (soother). Me and Tamara have talked about weening him off of it but we know it is going to be a struggle, not only for him, but for us as well. There are times where we are just tired and don’t want to hear the whining (usually in the car after a long day) and it’s just easier to give him his soother and him be happy and quiet. If we take that away from him, it makes it harder for us as well. But alas, it will come eventually. We’re thinking that turning 3 is going to be a good time to do it. That’s only a few months away (wow).

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