Cache Up NB’s First Saint John Event

Posted by on July 26, 2010

This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only.

This past Saturday, Rev Slippery and I headed up Saint John to host our Buskers on the Boardwalk – An Introduction to Geocaching event.

Rev Slippery

I had been contacted by the organizers months ago about doing a booth or event at the Canada Day festival in downtown Saint John. Unfortunately I was not available at the time to host such an event and it being Canada Day weekend, many other cachers were unavailable too.

Fortunately Saint John was so interested in having us put on something for the city that they invited us to the Buskers on the Boardwalk festival. Me and Rev spent the afternoon hanging out at Market Square and enlightening many people on all things geocaching.

We had a lot of people come by the tent asking questions about the sport, and wanting to know more. We passed out a pile of flyers and business cards, and since we had internet access, we even signed up people for their own account. One guy, all the way from Hamilton, was so interested in it that after he left our booth, he used his iPhone to go find more caches in the area. SpcWlker is now hooked!

We also had a chance to promote the new Uptown Saint John Walking Tour cache that has cachers go to various location around Uptown Saint John collecting clues to eventually solve a puzzle cache where they can obtain an Uptown Saint John coin. Calmen (the cacher who put that all together) came by our tent and gave us a bit of a lowdown on it. Uptown Saint John provided us with a pile of flyers and a few sample coins to show people. With the article having been in the press recently, we had a lot of people ask about it and were happy to see it being promoted at the Buskers festival.

It was great to expose the sport of geocaching to a lot of new people. Thanks to everyone who came out to see us and hopefully you’ll be seeing more of Cache Up NB at festivals like this.

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