Discipline and pushing the boundary

Posted by on August 10, 2010

Dylan will be 3 in a couple of weeks. In the last month, I’ve noticed a lot of different things come out in him.

For starters, he’s now getting a bit spooked by noises in his room and as Tamara has said, I think he’s starting to realize that even when he goes to bed, there’s a lot of other things going on in the world around him. He is however doing very well.

There is one spot that seems to be the most challenging right now and that has to do with discipline. At his age, he wants what he wants and throws quite a fit if he doesn’t get it. I find it very hard to find good ways to make him understand that there are things he needs to do that he may not want to, or may not agree with, but that he needs to do. We’ll tell him it’s time for him to eat and he’ll get mad and wander off to his room and stay there. I get worried that him going off to his room all the time is going to turn him into a recluse. Tamara insists that it’s better for him to have a place he can go to and calm down and then come back to us when he’s better. Although I agree with that, I still wonder if going to his room all the time is good for him.

We’ve learned the art of counting to three to get him to stop doing something. It’s amazing how when he won’t listen, you start counting and all of a sudden it changes things. It works even more when you threaten to take something from him that he really likes. I don’t like doing that but sometimes when he doesn’t want to listen, it seems the only way to keep him in line is to do that.

It’s a challenge for things like that but thankfully both him and his sister are generally well behaved kids. They may fight with each other but isn’t that what siblings do? The next few years are going to be even more interesting as Megan gets a little older and starts standing her ground against Dylan. He’s not going to like it. :)

Pulled from DylansHouse.com. Read the original post here

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