She is a little devil.
For two years old, this is a girl who is not afraid of anything, and is VERY devilish. You can see it in her face and by some of the things she’s doing.
She’s got a bit of a crush on Buzz Lightyear and now has one that she likes to take to bed with her. I hope I never wake up finding buzz between her legs.
She’s become MUCH more vocal and vibrant than before but much like her mom, she’s emotional. In fact, I can just say one little thing to her and she starts crying. It’s frustrating at times but I have to keep reminding myself that she is 2 and that she is a girl and that she is just like her mom.
Like her brother, she’s smart. She knows how to do a lot more things than I ever expected. She also has a tendency to pretty much do anything Dylan does. If she thinks what he is doing is fun or will get attention, she does it. I never realized how much siblings do this. Do you folks out there have the same thing happen with your kids? I had no brothers and sisters growing up so it’s a new world for me.
Her hair is getting long. Long enough that she’s always got it in a ponytail or pigtails now otherwise it kind of gets in her face and bugs her. She is however quite a little cutie. I love her to bits!
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