Dobson Trail Hike – Sandhill to Osborne Corner Rd

Posted by on November 18, 2011

For those who are interested, a group of us will be doing a hike tomorrow (Saturday the 19th) for part of the Dobson Trail. All are welcome to come out and join us so here’s the scoop of where, when, and what.

  • We will all be meeting at the parking area off Pine Glen Rd near the Sandhill Side Trail cache (GC18HB5) between 9:30am and 10:00am
  • The plan is to hit the trail no later than 10am, hike the side trail towards the Dobson, then follow the Dobson south from there
  • The last planned cache is (GC1H5ME) which is near the top of Smith Rd. There are plenty of other caches on that road, but the van I am dropping off will be parked near here and that is where I’ll be stopping
    • I’ve already done the caches from the top of Smith Rd to the 910 so I’ll be skipping them, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do them yourself
  • A friend of mine will be parking his van (the one I just mentioned) at the top of Smith Rd and is willing to shuttle as many people as he can get in it back to the Sandhill parking area once we have completed the hike. If you plan on doing more caching, you may want to have your own set of two vehicles to use at the start and end points
  • I’m not sure of the exact distance but it’s somewhere between 8-12k so be prepared for a somewhat decent hike, bring water and something to eat for lunch or at least snack on while on the trails
  • I suspect some of the trail is wet so waterproof boots or shoes is probably a good idea
  • If you don’t think, or want, to do the whole thing, the trail does pop out onto the road at (GC18HBD) so you could park a car here and only do that portion of the hike if you’d rather not do the whole thing
  • I am shooting to be done hiking no later than 3pm as my friend has an appointment at 4pm, and the COAP event at Pizza Delight is at 5:30.
I’m supposed to meet my friend (Evul_C) with his van at 9:30 on Smith Rd and then we will be heading to the Sandhill Side Trail once his van is parked. My intention is to leave absolutely no later than 10am as I want to get all of the caches on this stretch on the same day.
Feel free to come out and join us. If you catch this before I leave tomorrow and intend on coming, post a comment to let me know. And also let me know if you are coming to the COAP event as well. Hope to see lots of folks out there.

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