Seeking volunteers for impromptu CITO – CANCELLED

Posted by on January 10, 2012

This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only.

(This impromptu event has now been CANCELLED. Please see the comments for details)

Almost two years ago I hid a series of 103 caches called The Story Teller series. The caches have remained since then but many of them now are in poor shape and have been somewhat haphazardly maintained by myself and the local caching community. Folks who have been out caching and have found them in disrepair have been kind enough to fix them up, but over time, I have felt a bit embarrassed by the low quality of the containers I chose for this series. So that having been said, I have decided to archive them.

I disabled the entire series (the ones that are still active, 98 I believe) and had intended to start going out and picking them up. but with a series that large (I hid them over two weekends), it would take me awhile to go out and do them myself. I am therefore seeking volunteers to go out this Sunday (January 15th) at 9am and do a CITO of my series.

I’m looking to get a group of cachers together and we all meet at the Five Points Church near Salisbury (N  46° 1.307 W 65° 1.041) at 9am. I would then divvy out “sections” of the series for people to go out and find and retrieve. Each car/group can go out, find and retrieve the caches for their section(s), and then we can all meet back up at the DQ near the Big Stop when we are done.

If you are interested in coming, please comment on this post or send me an email directly. The more volunteers we have, the less time it will take. Plus, for anyone who has not found these caches, this will be your last chance.

For those who do plan on coming out, I recommend you run a pocket query using the bookmark I have linked above and download it to your GPS. Even if you have found the caches, it would be a good idea to have the cache locations already loaded on your GPS. I will provide cache lists for everyone as well as garbage bags for the old containers.

Whether you show up or not, the series is going to be archived so I would greatly appreciate it if you have the time, to come out and help take some geotrash out of the woods and make room for better caches. Thanks

12 Responses to Seeking volunteers for impromptu CITO – CANCELLED

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