Moncton Breakfast Discussion

Posted by on May 27, 2013

This article was originally published on Cache Up NB. It has been mirrored here for archive purposes only.

There’s been a discussion about the Moncton breakfasts and I thought it was better suited here than the Scribbles. Here’s the thread that kicked it off. It starts with the last comments I made which I moved from there to here.


Zor 09:15 [delete]

I will however say that me personally, or Cache Up NB itself, won’t host monthly breakfasts. We do a monthly podcast and that’s hard to commit to sometimes so something like a monthly event would be off the table. But there are plenty of folks out there I know who would love to take it on. Pa said he would and I know there are others as well
Zor 09:12 [delete]

I think what TNJ said though is part of it though. Most folks in our area tend to not want to invade someone else’s “turf” so to speak. The MGA’s been doing it awhile so folks tend to want to be appreciative and not critical. To me, it’s not a criticism. The events are great for those who like them but people’s lives changes and priorities change and sometimes people just can’t get to things like they did before. Health, job, family, whatever. That’s the way it goes. It does not do harm to anyone to say, “Hey, I noticed you’re really busy or have stuff going on. I’d be more than willing to take this on for you to help you out”.
Zor 09:07 [delete]

The Moncton breakfasts need to be taken on by someone else. The MGA have been hosting them for almost two years and the last year has seen virtually no sign of Dragoon. Health issues or not, if you can’t meet your commitments then it’s time to hand them on to someone else. It’s an event a lot of people enjoy and I don’t think there’s any harm in passing the torch. Zonker and Georard did it.
Zor 08:55 [delete]

geodimeter, I saw that galapagos thing on the news. very cool
TheNinjaJedi 00:56 [delete]

Moosers does have great food. :)
PA 19:23 [delete]

TETA that wasn’t a throwdown..MA says it was your cache and you just forgot about it
PA 19:19 [delete]

We love the event at Moosers. We didn’t go today because we thought nobody else would be there. I wrote to Dragooon a while ago about taking it over but got no response, but I don’t care who hosts it. I would rather keep it at Moosers because the food is good and the service is great. We are always well received
Tetagoucher 14:04 [delete]

in farmville 2 
Tetagoucher 14:03 [delete]

I planted and watered my crops
Zor 13:56 [delete]

I had bacon at 10am
evulc 13:07 [delete]

i had breakfast at my in-laws house beside a geocache.
evulc 13:06 [delete]

evulc looks around.
TheNinjaJedi 11:59 [delete]

Good point Rev. Perhaps boat rocking isn’t always a bad thing.
Rev Slippery 11:50 [delete]

Same for most other people appearently other wise it would have happened a while ago.
TheNinjaJedi 11:49 [delete]

I’d be willing to host or help host, just don’t want to rock the boat. :)
Rev Slippery 11:24 [delete]

There are many other people who could host it and many other places to do it. Variety would be nice, explore, move it around. Just my opinion.
Rev Slippery 11:22 [delete]

I don’t understand the why the MGA is still hosting them if they can’t even show up and need someone else to do it? let it go to someone else who will put some effort into it.
Tetagoucher 10:50 [delete]

Zonker should take his event back :twisted:
TheNinjaJedi 10:07 [delete]

Lex and I had out own breakfast, at sportsrock. Moosers didn’t even look like it was going to open at 9.
Tetagoucher 09:25 [delete]

and I thought people went for the companionship 
Cableguy 09:15 [delete]

There was a brekkie but no event, as it the attempt to list it was too late to publish it. Everyone was invited to go anyway.
TheNinjaJedi 09:08 [delete]

Showed up to Moosers this morning, no one there. Was there not a breakfast today?

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