My Temper, In My Child

Posted by on February 17, 2014

I don’t write on here anywhere like I used to but today I feel the need to write something.

It seems Dylan has received my temper and combined it with his mother’s heavy emotions. In the course of the last two days, I’ve seen my son freak out and break into tears over things that should not matter.

It started yesterday when after having asked to spend some time with a friend he hasn’t seen much lately, it only took 10 minutes of his friend being here before Dylan starting yelling and then crying over something that apparently didn’t happen. I know kids can take things differently than parents do but it was a bit frustrating to see.

Add to that a couple of meltdowns today, and a meltdown of Megan’s yesterday, it’s been a rough weekend in parts with the kids. It all gets worse for me because when I see Dylan acting like this, it bothers me so much that I have to get up and walk away before I say something to him I am going to regret. I spent probably half an hour or so in the bedroom lying in bed trying not to hear him cry to his mom about something that was so over the top that it just boiled me. I get it. Kids lose it from time to time but sometimes the complete and total lack of logic behind the meltdowns is a bit much to take. Thankfully I have an awesome wife who helps me when this stuff happens.

I love him dearly but I definitely see the mix of myself and my wife in him during times like this. I’m just glad it’s not something that happens every day.

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