Socrates once said “man, know thyself”. No matter how much time passes, this little quote still remains true to this very day.
Recently I decided to take a trip to Los Angeles. I’m working on a blog post for it on my travel blog, but I wanted to write something as little different about it here.
As much as I love spending time with my friends and family, I am someone who has a need to spend time by myself. It’s something that I got very used to traveling for work so often. Time away from everything else where the only thing I have to put any attention on is myself.
That’s not to say I don’t love being with my friends and family. But for someone like me, I need “me” time and often that can be hard to explain to others.
Knowing I hadn’t traveled in more than two years, with restrictions lifted, and a little extra money, I found myself wanting more and more to go somewhere just for me. And that’s just what I did.
I took a week and traveled to Los Angeles where I did what I wanted to do. In all honesty, I didn’t spend a lot of time doing nothing as I had originally intended. But the point for me was to have time unencumbered by the daily responsibilities of being a dad, husband, friend, or colleague. Just time I could do whatever I wanted.
Sure, I wanted to see some locations from Back to the Future, sit in Sheldon’s spot at the WB tour, and a few other touristy things. But the entire point was to just have time on my own.
Thankfully, I have a wife and family who understands my need for time alone without thinking it’s something nefarious.
Sitting here in the lounge at LAX, I find myself anxious to get home, sleep in my own bed, and feel recharged for whatever comes next.
The moral of the story? Know thyself. Don’t deny who you are. Be honest with what you need and be sure to fulfill those needs.