Author Archives: Zor
Meet Donna: The Voice of Criticism
If I have learned one thing over the years, it’s that somehow writing things out does help. If you go back through the history of posts on this blog, you’ll find many long rants of mine where I just vent out whatever happens to be on my mind at the time. I talk about my … Continue reading
The Power of Music, Part II – Emotion
In August of last year I wrote an article about how music has influenced me throughout my life. Tonight, after watching a bunch of live shows from Faith No More on YouTube, I thought I’d continue the discussion on music. For this post, I’ll be focusing on how music has a very emotional effect on … Continue reading
My Last Seven Days
I signed up for this online writer’s class. It’s nothing too major, but I did have to write an interesting item today which really got me thinking. One of the questions on the assessment for the module I am on says to write a 500 word story about what you would do if you found … Continue reading
Matt’s Appreciation 2020 Tour
A while back I posted something on Facebook about the need to show more appreciation for the people you have in your life. I said that it was something I was thinking a lot about recently and wanted to try and find a way to do it. Since then, I have been working on writing … Continue reading
Stuck in a Box
It’s now been a few weeks since we have all been in quarantine. The “work from home” thing hasn’t really affected me as I have been doing that for well over a year now. But the effects of the COVID-19 outbreak are being felt in different ways. I decided that today I would write down … Continue reading
The Geocaching Story
Along with my love of being able to see the world, I can also include geocaching as another hobby of mine. A combination of both of these together has allowed me to unearth some interesting locations around the world. This is a story of how the hobby of geocaching brought me to a famous landmark. … Continue reading
It’s almost midnight and I am supposed to be in bed, asleep. But with all of these thoughts about my book running through my head, all I’m doing is tossing and turning. The act of writing the book, formatting it, adding in the photos, tweaking the details, editing, proofreading, working with the artwork, and everything … Continue reading
It’s Just Not That Simple
I have been seeing a lot of commentary about Greta Thunberg and climate change and with the Canadian election being held today, I’m seeing plenty of content on Facebook about people claiming the whole thing is a sham and it’s just some kind of Liberal scam to keep them in office. Aside from the fact … Continue reading
The Power of Music, Part I – Influence
This article is part of a series of blog posts about music and it’s influences on us. In part 1, I talk about how a particular band and even more so their lead singer, contributed to my teenage years and how it’s even affected me as an adult. The earliest music I can ever remember … Continue reading
Banning the Bag: A Contradiction
Today the local radio station posted a news article about the fact that both Riverview and Dieppe are tabling bylaws to ban the use of single-use plastic bags. This is on the heels of the federal government’s insistence that single-use plastics be outright banned country wide by the end of 2021. I heard about this … Continue reading