Author Archives: Zor
The Repercussions of a Blog Post
On January 20th, 2006, I was finishing up a class as 5pm was getting closer when one of the office admins came by my classroom and asked me to go see my boss when class was over. My students left, I packed up my stuff and went to see my boss. I sat in a … Continue reading
Seagulls is Finished
Tonite at 10:57am EST, while sitting in bed in London, ON, Canada, I put the final touches on my second draft of my travel book. Since March of 2016, I have been slowly picking away at writing a book about my travel experiences. From road trips in my younger years, to big vacations with family … Continue reading
My Other Life
It’s almost bedtime for the kids so we’re sitting at the table as they are having a little snack before bed. My son Dylan looks at me and asks me to tell him something about myself that he didn’t know. The first thing that comes to mind is a huge revelation which I have not … Continue reading
The Perils of Frequent Travel
As someone who has been travelling a lot over the course of the last decade or so, and to a lesser extent, my whole life, I have found that there are many things that frequent travelers experience differently than those who go on the odd vacation from time to time. This is the story of … Continue reading
The Toronto Story
It’s been an interesting week here in Houston because the wifi in the hotel really blows so I have been having to fill my time with other things to do. I’ve been working on a series of stories about some of my travel and spent the last two days finally finishing the revisions on a … Continue reading
Thoughts on Maritime Megas
A post came up on FB about where the next Maritime Mega geocaching event would be held. I responded with a long winded FB comment which I ultimately decided not to post. Here’s what I wrote: I’ve been to all four MM events, and was on the organizing committee for two of them. The discussion … Continue reading
Forgetting Why You Enjoy Something
Today was a trial run for a much larger trip. Myself and three friends of mine will be taking a trip across the United States exactly 28 days from now. We’re doing a geocaching roadtrip across all 48 of the US states in 13 days. Today, four of us went to Truro, NS for the … Continue reading
4 Guys In A Car For 13 Days
We don’t often report news anymore, but since this is a mini-project of Cache Up NB, we’re making an exception. Cache Up NB is proud to announce the launch of the “4 Guys In A Car” website. For those who haven’t heard, Rev Slippery, Paulie, Markirene and Zor are heading out on a road trip … Continue reading
Dylan’s Appendicitis
About a week and a half ago, Dylan was admitted into the hospital, and within a few hours, diagnosed with appendicitis. He had his appendix taken out that same night and the following day he was sent home. The doctor told us that he’d be sore for a day or so but that within 2 … Continue reading
What Does Being Canadian Mean To Me?
Tomorrow is Canada’s 150th birthday. That means that as a country, we have existed for 150 years. It’s nice to know that we have been around for that long. But what exactly does it mean to be Canadian? As someone who travels a lot, I am often asked things about being Canadian. What is the … Continue reading