Author Archives: Zor
Looking for feedback
Where this site is very new, we are always looking for feedback. Basically, we have tried to incorporate as much into this site as possible but there will always be a few things that get missed. That’s where YOU come in. It’s up to you to comment on posts and give us suggestions on what … Continue reading
Getting started at Cache Up NB
If you’re not sure where to start on this new site, this article will answer the most basic questions. Read on for more.
February 2010 Bobcast
It’s been awhile folks but here we are with another Bobcast; the first of 2010. Bobcast includes geocaching stuff, travel, work, LOST, blood, poop, and a bit more. Check it out here. February 2010 Bobcast Music credits go to Faith No More, Metallica, and Larry Leblanc.
Login to Bobsroom using your Twitter account
So over the course of the last hour or so, I have been racking my brain trying to get some 3rd party login connections available for this site. I have hit up several that allow you to “connect” via pretty much everything under the sun, but the ones that seem to have the multi-site functionality, … Continue reading
Pre-order an autographed copy of Gut Theory today!
Well folks, I did my first bulk order of books this morning so they will be on their way to me within a week or so. Those of you who would like to purchase a copy of the book directly from me are asked to visit the Facebook Fan Page of Gut Theory and post … Continue reading
I didn't really sell 100,000 books
It’s come to my attention that more than 1 person seems to think I was actually being serious about my post about the books and TV appearances. It was a joke. Nothing more. I’ve never published anything before in my life and I’m using a self-publishing website. The odds of selling that many that quickly … Continue reading
Possible changes coming for local caching organization
So for most of you, you’re probably unaware that within the geocaching community, there are associations that spring up which tend to group cachers from a specific geographical area together. They are usually province or state bound but in the case of this end of Canada, it actually consists of multi-province associations. See, I’ve only … Continue reading
Sledding at Centennial
This past Saturday me and Tamara took Dylan & Megan up to Centennial Park to go sliding down the hills there. Tamara had bought one of those surf board style sleds and we figured the hills at the park were the best place to try it out. Well, we got there and tried the first … Continue reading
Can anyone spare some change?
Tamara bought me a book for Christmas. It’s a book based on the movie of the same name. “The Secret”. When it came out, it was all the rave about how it could change your life and make things for the better. I have heard several people mention it and they have taken “the secret” … Continue reading
100,000 books sold already!
In an amazing development, since the official “launch” of Gut Theory, I have sold 100,000 copies already and am already fielding requests to appear on Letterman, The Today Show, and even the big O herself. I have however decided to decline the invitations as I have a lot of work to do at my regular … Continue reading