Author Archives: Zor
The AC/DC aftermath
Well folks, a few days later here I am ready to give you my own account of how the AC/DC concert went. Here she goes. First off, me and Tamara decided to do the bus thing (which we’ll never do again) by dropping off our car at my mom’s and then taking the bus down … Continue reading
August is here and the insanity is beginning
Too much going on and with the heat, it’s harder to deal with. Let’s see if I can put in all of the things that have been going on in the last few days. Ok, friend of mine came down from Miramichi to visit and we did a little caching. He’s just getting into it … Continue reading
The heat that we have all been experiencing made me head down to the basement this afternoon to start sifting through some of the stuff down there. It’s a hell of a lot cooler down there than anywhere else in the house. A lot of stuff from the garage and my old computer room had … Continue reading
Something pretty funny happened tonite that I wanted to share. Tamara was with Megan in the living room and Dylan is playing. He starts saying “bug” cuz there’s been a lot of bugts and flies around recently. He starts acting a little weird like he wants to swat a bug then says “BUG” and slap … Continue reading
The popcorn story
I was re-telling this story to Tamara recently and I said that I should post it on here to share with those of you who have never heard it before. It is indeed my most fondest memory from the year I spent at EBCI here in Moncton back in 1997/1998. Here’s the story of one … Continue reading
Cottage progress and other goodies
Quick post… Our new cottage is officially up. We have walls, doors, and windows. No siding or interior yet but the contractor says that as long as the weather cooperates, we’ll have a new cottage by the end of the month. WOO HOO! I am psyched! Went to the beach today and had a blast … Continue reading
The completed garage renovations
Since the renos have been done for awhile, I thought I would finally sit down and give you the low down on how everything looked and how it went from a garage to a set of offices. I’ve got a pile of photos and other stuff for you to see so if you’re interested in … Continue reading
She’s getting bigger yet
My little girl is finally starting to show signs of growing. She turned over from her belly to her back several times now. In fact, one of the first times, she scared herself by doing it and started crying. I am sure she is going to be going from belly to back anytime. She gets … Continue reading
My little guy is growing up
In just over a month, Dylan is going to be two years old. TWO! Can you imagine? Wow. Time really is flying by very fast. It’s unbelievable. Things have definitely gotten better since the last time I posted. His tantrums have lessened as he has finally been able to get more used to his sister … Continue reading
Hump day
I got up this morning knowing that even though I am on leave, I’d have to go into work for an hour or so. In fact, I shouldn’t say “have” to go in but wanted to. I got an email yesterday and made me wonder if something was up so I figured I better pop … Continue reading