Author Archives: Zor
The "plastic bag" con
I did a post on Twitter yesterday about being annoyed at Radio Shack (The Source by Circuit City but it will always be Radio Shack to me) for telling me that if I wanted a bag for my stuff, I’d have to pay 5 cents for the bag. This is an unfortunate trend that we’ve … Continue reading
Ahhhhhhhhhhh, it's nice to be back
Well folks, here it is. This is the first post I have made from my main office computer in months. I finally have had the opportunity to move my desk into my new office and get the computer hooked up. Let me tell you, I have been waiting for this for awhile. Computer is happy … Continue reading
The destruction of 107 Brydges St
Well folks, the demolition of our cottage began yesterday and the fun stuff started on Wednesday. We knew that the demolition folks would be coming on Friday so we had to get everything out of the cottage that we wanted to keep and anything that was left would get destroyed in the tear down. Me … Continue reading
Parental blues & renovation joys
Let’s start with the good stuff. Our renovations are officially completed. The electrical was done this week and we got the light bulbs we needed installed and Aliant was by today to get the internet and phones hooked up in that room. They are now ready to be swept/mopped and have stuff moved in. I … Continue reading
3 weeks old
I was going to post a photo of Megan but unfortunately all of the pictures are on our network drive which is currently disconnected. I’m hoping to get that up and running again this weekend. Regardless, the little one is growing. She’s already grown an inch or so and is now past her actual birth … Continue reading
Merging of blogs
I’ve found a plugin that pulls posts from other blogs and posts them here. You should now start seeing Dylan’s & Megan’s blog posts show up here with references to the original post on their website. I’ll see how it works out and if I like it or not.
Needing some extra mommy time
With his new sister here, Dylan is now learning that he has to share both his mom and dad with his baby sister. Sharing with dad is not such a problem. However, sharing his mommy is beginning to be a problem. Dylan’s been a bit cranky lately and today we think we figured out what … Continue reading
Two weeks old today
In about an hour, it will have been exactly two weeks since Megan has joined us. Aside from the lack of sleep, for which Tamara suffers more of than I, it has been going ok. Dylan is doing really well with his new sister and we are glad to see that things are going well. … Continue reading
Dylan meets his new sister
Pulled from Megan's blog. Read the original post here
First photos
In case somehow you missed it via Facebook, here are our first pictures of th newest edition. [View with PicLens] Pulled from Megan's blog. Read the original post here